More Harry Potter Book 7 speculation (spoilers)

Red robes? I have never heard that idiom. Why red?

Hagrid could snuff it (and I wouldn’t mind a bit) in book 7. I think it more likely that if a Weasley has to die, that it would be Percy. Who is the one that is engaged to Fleur? He won’t die, for sure.

Someone a while back said something about Hermione’s dying. Intriguing, but I think that Hermione is too loved by Rowling to do it.

Harry has to go back to the Dursley’s at least one more time–I’m betting that he and Petunia have a late noc talk or two about Lily and their childhood. Petunia may well be a Squib.

IMO, the Three need to go back to Hogwarts, but most likely will find that their school is in shambles, leading to excursions for DA members to go exploring. Frankly, I can see Harry being pulled out of class to go help with some projects.

Locations that will be important in book 7:

Dursley’s house
Riddle’s house
Snape’s house (?)
Potter’s old house
Black’s house
The inn where HP and Hagrid first get to Diagon Alley
As for horcruxes (which just confuse me no end. I also don’t get why or how HP is a horcrux. If Voldy wanted to kill him right there and then, why and how would he make HP a horcrux? And WHY did the avada curse boomerang on V that way? Never been explained really).

Voldy is nothing if not proud and arrogant–which will be his downfall. He would not use a manky old boot for a horcrux. He is almost a fetishist, wanting something from all 4 houses, for example. They will be objects that are revered by others–which would add to the joke for Voldemort.

Lots more spec: Ginny won’t “be good”, but will insist on following Harry; Hermione and Ron will at least have a decent kiss, if not more. McGonagall will die (I like her, but) as will Molly Weasley(?). None of the major kids will die.

This is fun.

The red robes reference is a clever reference to the red shirt wearing security people on Star Trek. They always die.

The only thing I hope about book 7 is that Harry doesn’t die in it. That would be way too much of a downer for the series. That’s why I don’t think Rowling will go there.

Thanks, LavendarBlue --I remembered the red shirts, but didn’t put it with the robes.
I don’t think that Harry will die, either, but then again, his death would ensure that Rowling wasn’t pressured to write more about HP later.

Although I see no reason why she shouldn’t continue the story line of HP and co. She keeps saying she has all this backstory, so why not share it? Also, why not take Harry into adulthood and have him face more villians etc? Seems a natural flow of events to me.

Dumbledore thought that one of the horcruxes was something that belonged to either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. He also said that Hogwarts was the only place where Tom Riddle felt at home.

Perhaps the Sorting Hat is a horcrux. It used to be Gryffindor’s hat, after all. This would also provide a reason for everyone to return to Hogwarts for the climactic showdown. Also, I suspect that at least one horcrux will not be what we think it was. My money is on either Nagini or the diary to not be a horcrux, and the last horcrux is an item belonging to Ravenclaw.

JKR has said the last word of the 7th book will be “scar.” No idea what that means, but it is intriguing.


Sigh. I HOPE it’s:

And with that, Ginny kissed Harry passionately upon that little sensitive spot only she knew about, right below his SCAR.

Or am I asking for the WORLD here?


I’ve been listening to the books on CD and have a few ideas that haven’t been mentioned yet (at least not in this thread :slight_smile: ):

  1. I think Crookshanks will prove to be important somehow. He’s way too smart to be just a cat (even if he is half Kneazle) and there’ve been several scenes where he’s done interesting things (like try to snuggle up to Sirius’s head in the fire when Harry is talking to him). Unless anybody can come up with a good cite to prove otherwise, I’m going to remain convinced that Crookshanks is actually Regulus Black, who’s not really dead and who’s an Animagus like his brother. (Though that is a little creepy since he’s been hanging out in the girls’ dorm with Hermione for the past several years…)

  2. I wonder if Grawp (Hagrid’s giant brother) is going to be important somehow? I hope so, because…well…I can’t stand him, and I’d hate to have had to slog through all those boring Grawp passages without it coming to something. :slight_smile:

  3. I think Fred and George are going to be very important–let’s face it, the guys may be frivolous, but they’re geniuses with things like potions and magical constructs. I think they’ll be providing many of the magical weapons to the good guys. I do fear that at least one of them won’t make it until the end of Book 7, though.

I also had it in my head that the Sorting Hat had been Griffindor’s hat. However, Dumbledore is quite clear in Book 6 that the only known relic of Godric Griffindor was the sword. I wonder where I got that idea.

Even so, the Sorting Hat doesn’t act like Voldemort. If it had a piece of Voldemort’s soul, and it could talk, why hasn’t it done more, oh, evilly goodness? Presumably Riddle would’ve enchanted it before leaving Hogwarts, but with what murder — would Moaning Myrtle’s have counted?

Lily and Petunia being twins: doubt it. Harry has his mother’s eyes; his aunt would too, and we’d have heard about it by now.

Misc. predictions, based heavily on stuff Rowling’s said in interviews:

  1. Petunia is not magical at all, but she knows something important about the backstory, possibly something to do with That Awful Boy who was telling Lily about the dementors. (I don’t think she was talking about James, even though Harry assumed she was; my money is on Peter.)

  2. Related to #1: Peter Pettigrew may have had a bit of a crush on Lily and bargained for her life when he betrayed the Potters (which is why Voldemort offered her the choice to flee and save her life). He was definitely present on the night the Potters died, and we’re going to learn more about his role in these events. (I’ve heard this theory many, many times about Snape, but I think Peter makes a lot more sense.)

  3. Several story arcs about redemption are going to converge in this book, making it Book Seven’s principal theme (just as romantic love was Book Six’s). The characters involved may include Regulus, Percy, Snape, and Peter, and maybe Draco.

  4. Harry is going to use the Pensieve to recover some of his infant memories of the night his parents were killed. (We know he has these memories because of what he hears when the Dementors approach, but they seem to be buried in his subconscious.)

Oh, and Harry’s going back to Hogwarts. Totally.

That’s why I think one of the Horcruces is at Hogwarts, perhaps in the dark forest: it’s the most sensible reason to get Harry back at school.

Was Moaning Myrtle’s death the murder Riddle used to create his diary Horcrux? They were contemporaneous, after all.

I’m not sure about the timeline, but I think Voldemort could have been in Hogwarts after graduation, but before he revealed himself as a supervillain. It may be that some mysterious death was actually his doing, and no one knew until now.

They don’t have to be identical twins. Also, they kept the whole thing from Harry–they told him his parents died in a car crash–what’s twinship to that?

I also think that Crookshanks will factor in somehow. I also found Grawp to be tedious, but if Hagrid dies, then Grawp’s crush on Hermione becomes vital.

I like the Pensieve idea re HP’s memories.

In The Goblet of Fire the Sorting Hat’s song includes the story of how it got the job. It definitely says (sings) that Godric Gryffindor pulled the hat off is own head and they pressed it into service.

Reconciling that with what Dumbledore said in Book 6 about the only relic of Gryffindor being the sword:
a) Dumbledore didn’t know it was Gryffindor’s;
b) he did know and he forgot;
c) Dumbledore knows that Voldemort knows it’s Gryffindor’s hat but that he’d reject it as a Horcrux (the hat is old and battered)
d) Dumbledore knows that Voldemort doesn’t know it’s Gryffindor’s hat and therefore wouldn’t consider it as a Horcrux
e) Rowling goofed up
f) Rowling is trying to slip the Hat past us on purpose
g) the hat was talking through its… well, it was lying

Thematically, the idea of uniting against the common enemy suggests that sorting students into Houses is a bad idea to begin with; maybe it is the hat. Destroying the thing among them which divides them might be some symbolic thingy.

Nah-you can’t destroy a thing that helped Harry fight a monster! And I doubt that if the hat helped Harry that it could be a horcrux for V.
Maybe since the hat has been used for centuries for the good of all Hogwarts, it is no longer considered to be Godric’s property?

And the sword must come into play somewhere.

Rowling has said on her web site that the Sorting Hat is not a Horcrux.

I do think there’s probably a Ravenclaw artifact out there, and that Mr. Ollivander and / or Florean Fortescue knows what it is, which is why they were kidnapped. (Ollivander’s shop has been in the family since 382 B.C., and Fortescue seems to be something of a medieval history buff.)

Another possible Horcrux: Tom Riddle’s award for Special Services to the school? It would be fitting, wouldn’t it?

Hm, probably not, but that does have potential. If Regulus were an Animagus (and there are certainly enough of them running around!), he would be something feline.

One of the Hat’s songs. “Griffindor took me off his head”, or some such. Which means that Dumbledore was mistaken about the sword being the only known relic of Griffindor, which opens the possibility that there were more items he missed. My guess is that Dumbledore made the same mistake we would expect from Voldemort: The sword is glamorous, but the hat is just a tattered old piece of patchwork. And Voldemort couldn’t have used Myrtle’s death to Horcrucify the Hat (or any other relic of the Founders), since she’s the death he used for the diary (which pretty much has to be a Horcrux, given what we’ve seen).

And I’m pretty sure that the statue had five figures, two human and one each goblin, centaur, and house-elf. Harry remarks that the fawning expression looks normal on an elf, but that no goblin or centaur would ever be so obsequious to a human. Which means that the idea of recruiting the help of the other races is still on the table.

But we come back to the murder thing: whom did Voldemort kill to make his Special Services plaque into a Horcrux?

It’s possible there was a second death that year — the year the Chamber of Secrets was opened — or whatever year the plaque was awarded, and coincidentally nobody happened to mention it, but I’m not buying it. I’d prefer to connect the dots we know first and see what’s left over, rather than invent unknown murders and unknown locations and stuff. (That’s why I like Gringott’s: it’s a setup without a payoff.)

Myrtle herself was insignificant but the method — controlling the basilisk and showing his Slytherinitude — was grand. Myrtle = diary

Slytherin’s ring was taken from Marvolo, right? And Marvolo had been magicked to confess to the murder of … wasn’t it Voldemort’s father? Would that make Tom Riddle Sr = ring?

In Book 1, Hagrid mentions the death of some famous Aurors and wizard families during the Dark Years, like the Boneses. Were they the other Horcrux murders?

And another reason to suspect Gringotts: Ron’s brother Bill works for Gringotts. Isn’t it his job to break into secret cursed locations and bring out treasure? Who’d be better to help out in a case like this — or, admittedly, to help get any of Voldy’s treasures?

Dumbledore is dead. Dead is dead according to JKR in several interviews after she killed off Sirus. If and when our beloved headmaster reappears it will be in a maddening non-answer/conversation with his picture somewhere.

The reoccuring theme of socks is puzzling. Either a funny ha ha goof inside joke (hi Opal like thing) on her part or a minor plot point that will have some bearing.

Why does everybody say Harry has Lily’s eyes?

Will a beloved character live or die? Anything is possible, but I can’t see any of the big three crumping in a kid’s book.

Aunt Petunia and the communication with her and Dumbledore has to be explained. She knows a lot more about the wizard world than Vernon knows. She knew about Azkaban and the howler hinted at something. We know she is not a squib. (JKR said so)

Ollivander is missing. Was he comissioned to make a new wand for Voldy to avoid a repeat of what happened in the graveyard?

Will the first chapter fast forward over a chunk of the summer with Harry and the gang already figured out the locket was found by Sirus’s brother and they already dealt with it? It will save time and pages.

I like the idea that I read somewhere on Mugglenet or the Leaky Cauldron editorials that Snape while interviewing at Hogwarts 17 (or so years ago) at the same time as Trelawney heard the entire prophecy and only told Voldy half of it. That’s why Dumbledore trusts him. Also it allows for the Snape looking out for Snaple angle.

Voldy doesn’t know love. Some how and some way, Harry will demonstrate that to him in the final showdown at Hogwarts. (I like the idea of the final battle being there because it’s a central place for all the stories.) Lily’s love for him, Harry for his friends and the Weasley family and who the hell knows Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and the pig tailed brat all might come into play.

An elegant solution would be him being stripped of all magic in the fight and fitting into what she said that the last word of the last book is scar.

“Harry awoke from his dream and not needing glasses with his perfect eyesight looked into the mirror and saw his short neat hair and no sign on his forehead of a lightningbolt shaped scar.”

Ok that last made up quote is a goof on my part. A dream would cause rioting, but it wouls be OK to me if he became a squib to save the world.

A nice ending to a kids book that the hero gave up everything he held near and dear to his heart as a sacrifice to the greater good of the world. The last chapter as a coda would have him riding off into the sunset. Not happy or sad but knowing he did the right thing and living as a muggle.

Oh. Dear.God.

If JKR does a " It was all a dream" thing, I am going to have open a can of whoop ass. (After I stopped laughing and laughing and then see if I can sue her for a gazillion dollars for denying her fan base a collective orgasm or bitch fest.)

I really hope Grawp does not feature into the book at all. I’ve burned the memory of slogging through those scenes from my brain.

Percy Weasley: I’m torn on whether is such a spineless asskisser ladder climber or under some kind of charm/spell.
Mr. Weasley I’m re-reading #4 and just re-watched the DVD and a line keeps jumping out at me from Mad Eye’s class lesson on the Unforgiveable Curses and how Ron’s father ‘would know something about that. Gave the ministry a bit of worry/trouble not so long ago.’ Has Mr. Weasley ever been in real bad trouble with the ministry or accused of being a Death Eater? Is it about him defending himself and family with the Unforgiveable Curses during the Dark Times.

Death Eaters in #4 (movie), during the graveyard reunion scene, Voldy unmasks Crabbe, Goyle, ( a third I forget) before getting to Malfoy. In the movie it looked like he killed Crabbe Goyle and Whomever. Were they killed in the book or was the unmasking all just for dramatic effect? ( I’m almost there now…but you guys all have better memories than me.)