More Personal Peculiarities

There are a couple of parking lots in my city that have the automated pay stations with the same voice simulation that Steven Hawking uses. When you are done and the machine tells you to “take your ticket and insert at the exit gate” I always say “Thank you Steven”

I also used to do a version the hand wave trick at automatic doors. When my kid’s were younger they thought I was magic. When my daughter was about 4 or 5 she had figured out that they open for everyone. When I did my “magic” again for her she gave me her best condescending you senile old man look and proclaimed “Daddy you’re not magic”. I stopped doing that.

But do you eat the Raccoon Flavoured ones first or last?

Hah! Mine’s similar, except that it is: my wife and I maintain separate bathrooms. Hers is in the master, mine is in the hallway, and we never encroach on each other’s ablutions. Talk about a harmonious existence.

You and I are the only rational people posting in this thread. The others are just nuts except for the re-using straws person.

I prefer the “toothpaste and orange juice” flavored chips!

Yup. Seconded. Thirded and fourthed for that matter. There’s no way we could co-exist without having separate bathrooms. He uses the half bath and is terribly happy having his own, I use the master and am also terribly happy having my own - we share the shower. That’s it.

Except for sexytime, we don’t even share the shower. My bathroom has a shower and I prefer showering alone anyway, and not having to wait until she’s done, or rush because she wants it. Separate bathrooms have been great for us. Her bathroom is larger but I don’t care about that. Mine is perfect for what I use it for.

Don’t get me started…but a few:

  • cake I have to put in a bowl and pour milk around
  • except for Ben & Jerry’s which is eaten from the container, I have to pour cola over ice cream in a bowl.
  • I can’t stand the feel of dry powdery things like flour, chalk dust, etc… so I have to wrap a napkin around anything with flour residue on it (including the rolls on the excellent burgers at one local place :frowning: )
  • With Cheetos, I purposely wet my fingertips so that they collect even more of the salty orange goodness, not cleaning them off throughout the bag. The last step is to scrape it off with my teeth and savor.
  • I too eat around the edge of things – burgers, sandwiches – but not pizza. There I eat to the crust and then throw out the crust.
  • Pizza I usually have to fold over or better yet, put two slices cheese to cheese and eat it like a sandwich. A greasy, salty sandwich.

And non-food-related:

  • the volume of anything has to be set to a even number or a multiple of five.

I have to know more about you! For example, why must you have a moat around your cake? And why must you make a float with your ice cream?

A pizza sandwich??? Mmm… Good idea!

When it comes to intense shoe loyalty, you’re in good company.

Because they are only slightly less delicious than the ones with big bubbles.

The Food Symphony. Every mouthful a delightful serenade to the soul. I eat the food in different orders until I find just the right one. Like picking out a tune over and over until you know you’ve found a Grammy winner.

And the squirrels and the bunnies and cats and possums! If you don’t tell them to run how will they know they’re in danger?

What do you yell to the lazy ones that sleep by the side of the road?

That’s why I always try to score a corner piece. Yeah, I’m that chick. :cool:

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t think I could be in a room with you.

Yeah. That sounds wayyyy better thn anything on that list. But this is the country that gave us the French fry sandwich.

I know a few people who have a “thing” about ketchup on hot dogs. Apparently it is only a slightly less crime than felony assault, and actually worse than embezzlement.

Umm, sit down, I have something to tell you…
Personally, I put yogurt on pancakes. It’s something I started doing in college, because the only yogurt they ever had were those really sweet blended ones, that were like candy, and if you got syrup on your pancakes in the line, they always drowned them. Even if you asked for just a little bit, they put like half a cup on two pancakes, and I don’t really like plain pancakes anyway; I like real fruit on them, but in college, it wasn’t an option. Now I eat them with plain yogurt, fruit, and about a teaspoon of real maple syrup. If I’m out of yogurt, cottage cheese works well too.

My husband thinks it’s weird, but he’s the kind of person who likes a little bit of pancake with his syrup.

Me too. I have no shame. I ask for it. Everyone else who it too shy, screw them.

I have my medicines in a specific order in my medicine cabinet. I have to take them in that order. I’m ok with having them all grouped together if we’re on a trip or something, but at home, they must be selected in order. I used to take them all at once, but one of my meds changed, and now I have too many large pills to take them by the handful. I split them up…still in order.

The thing my husband finds most peculiar (I didn’t think it was peculiar until he pointed it out) is that I don’t usually want anyone else using my cell phone, and I’d rather not use someone else’s. I’m ok if my daughter or husband use my phone, but I’d rather not use either of theirs, and I am most certainly not going to allow someone I don’t know (or only know a little) to use my phone. It’s much too personal. It’s like a violation or something. I don’t know why.

Are you old enough to remember when some people regarded their cell as their “secret” phone, and gave the number only to two or three people who might need to get hold of them in an emergency? You didn’t even want it generally known that you had a cell phone, because you didn’t want everyone to know that you were always available? You could turn off your landline at night, because you knew that the two people who genuinely might need to get hold of you had your cell number?

If so, then you are probably also old enough to remember when not everyone had a cell, and there was real concern someone might steal yours.

I can remember making a call in a restaurant and having people stare. I was an early adopter.

ETA: also remember rushing to complete a cell phone call because of the expense!

Were they staring or glaring?