More racism directed at Obama

Not really, but then for many purposes I tend not to consider East Texas as part of Texas proper. Those weirdos are scary.

It would raise my opinion of the republicans if McCain, Palin or another high ranking member denounced some of these things. But I get the feeling that even if they don’t agree witgh the racists, they’re willing to sit back and let it roll in hopes that it will garner some votes.

:dubious: How is fried chicken easy to steal? Who fries chicken and then leaves it lying around unsupervised?

And as far as stealing watermelon . . . white people do that too. I was taught in school that it was ok to eat fruits/vegetables out of other peoples’ farms/gardens/orchards, etc, because Jesus did it and said it was ok (I wouldn’t do it but that’s probably just because I don’t believe in Jesus.)

Just adding another one to the list.

Fried chicken, no, but chicken coops don’t usually have locks on the doors…

I would think it highly likely that they’ve been called “bucks” simply because that’s what dollars are casually called, with the author not at any point aware of the similar old-fashioned slur. I imagine that is purely accidental, and of no great concern.


But they aren’t dollars, they are food stamps.

I believe the inclusion of the Kool-Aid wasn’t racist so much as a slam at Obama followers for being mindless fanatical imbibers of his socialistic Kool-Aid.

Perhaps, but it seems more likely to be playing to a meme that is out there for a while about blacks lovin’ dey koolaid.*

  • I’ve heard it all my life but I can’t stand the stuff – I rather eat a cup of dry sugar, followed by a water chaser.

Well, ordinary language isn’t particularly pedantic. Toys Я Us “Geoffrey bucks” weren’t dollars either, but the conceptual connection motivating the name is clear.

… and chicken symbolizes cowardice, and ribs means that he can’t take a joke, and watermelon, uh, watermelons are green on the outside like Obama is green behind the ears and red on the inside, red being the international color of communism. Yeah, that’s it.

No, the simplest and most likely explanation would be that these food items all have something in common, and that’s that they are all stereotypical favorites of stereotypical black people.

Seriously . . . I swear to god I think reactionaries spend more time dreaming up ways to be offended than racists/jerks spend dreaming up ways to offend people.

(Granted ETF might be joking but Manda JO appears to have posted in earnest.)

I was born in Nashville, Arkansas…Because Mineral Springs Arkansas didn’t have a hospital. Spent my summers there as a kid…

I grew and lived most of my life in Texas…

It’s best that I not watch the news.


I don’t think you meant reactionary. Usually that word refers to turn-back-the-clock ultraconservatism. You meant something more like offenderati, perhaps?

By the way I disagree that Manda Jo or ETF, joking or not, have to reach all that far to come up with those interpretations. I kinda doubt the “buck” thing myself - it’s just not common enough in CA, even as a slur, for me to think those Sacramento folks were actually making that allusion. Not that they’re not low enough, I just doubt they would have thought of it. But given the fried chicken and watermelon imagery, it’s not completely insane either. And the Kool-Aid crack has been explicitly used by anti-Obama folks to refer to his followers.

And of course the real irony is that he can’t even eat ribs: he’s Muslim!

He may be a fetus hating, fag loving, gun controlling abortion performing towel headed taxocrat, but at least Obama knows how and when to use fucking “quotation marks”.

Well, so does the sign maker; they’ve clearly taken pains to employ the appropriate “scare quotes”. :slight_smile:

Just wanted to point out one of the oddest displays of satirical racism I’ve ever seen: seen underneath the Acropolis in Athens, Greece.

I meant what I said. Try not to go around “correcting” proper word use with made up words.

Tsk. Touchy.

It may be technically correct, but it’s a bit dissonant looking in a political thread if you’re not using it to refer to extreme right-wing views.

But fair enough. Sorry I offended.