Tell-A-Woma…sorry, wrong joke.
My pick: Traffic gawkers.
People who block the moving walkways at airports.
Drone strikes offer too quick of a death for most mentioned so far. Just because we’re putting them out of OUR misery doesn’t mean they can’t suffer first.
Leaf blower users.
Automated phone answering system computers.
Other drones.
Teenage Trick-or-Treaters.
Old men driving slow in the left lane with their blinker on.
Pants saggers
Drivers of cars which blast their stereos so loud that I can feel the bass all the way up on the 11th floor of my office building.
Arpeggios or accompaniment, but I think they usually just strum the entire group.
More drivers – the people who keep drifting out of their lane.
granpa and granma Sunday drivers
insurance companies
credit reporting agencies
“some” tv news channels
pricker bushes
child molesters-horrible mutilating deaths