Morning drunkenness

An anal-retentive lesbian? “Now where did I leave my keys?”

well… at the college i used to go to, we would start drinking around 10 pm or so… and people would still be drinking at 8 the next morning. of course - these people would mostly be the ones who had passed out and resumed on regaining consciousness. personally - i’m a scientific drinker. i do it in one session. i have, however large amounts of pot in the morning.

at the college i’m at right now… i just reminisce :frowning:

The only memory I have of AM drinking has to do with going to college football games (while in college, especially). Somehow that beer just goes down easy.

Just last week I got on an airliner at 8:30, and the chick who sat next to me reeked of liquor, and was quite talkative. She poured down two bloody Marys on the flight, and the first thing she did after getting off the plane was dash into a bar.


i have however smoked large amounts of pot in the morning

Cecil II heartily enjoys a good buzz in the morning, but not when he has to work.