Mortality rates on TV shows (possible spoilers ahead)

A few days ago I was watching an E.R. from, oh, six years ago, and it struck me that a significant number of the characters in this episode had died in the course of the series:

specifically Mark Greene, Robert Romano, and Lucy Knight.

That, in turn, made me wonder what TV shows have the highest mortality rates–which is, naturally, the question I’d like to put to the group.

Here’s a couple of rules.

First, to keep shows like E.R. and *Buffy * (in which a minor character dies pretty much every week) from skewing the tally, let’s just consider deaths of major characters–by which I mean featured regulars (identified in the opening credits) and significant recurring characters --appearing in at least ten episodes and in more than one season. Thus, for, say, Angel, Cordelia, Lindsey, and Lorne would count as major, but Faith and Hamilton would not.

Second, only permanent deaths count. A character who dies in a fantasy show only to be later resurrected does not count in the mort rate; so Gabrielle’s multiple deaths on *Xena * do not count.

Third, only deaths during the course of the series counts; for example (Buffy/Angel/Firefly spoilers ahead)

Cordelia does not add to the Buffy mortality rate, because though both died on Angel, neither was dead at the time of the *Buffy * series finale. Likewise, Book & Wash’s death in Serenity do not add to Firefly’s total, as they were alive when the series went off the air.

Lastly, we’re looking for deaths as a fraction of the total cast.

I’ll start with my candidate: Angel. By my count, there were fifteen major characters over the course of the series, and

by the last moment of the last scene of hte finale, all but five were dead.

That’s a 2/3 mortality rate. Can anybody do better?

24 wins. Hands down. Seriously, I’m not kidding.

fabulous_creature: I’m curious about your counting with Angel… before I start nitpicking, can you post your list of fifteen names?? I don’t think that needs to be spoiler-boxed even, though you can if you wish.

And, your second spoiler-box:

is confusing me because you use ‘both’ and ‘neither’ in reference to a single name.

I’ve only seen one season, the latest, and only half of that–but did any major characters die? I’m sure dozens of redshirts and bad guys bit it; I knew twenty minutes into the first episode I watched that you do NOT want to be around Jack Bauer when he’s on a mission.

Sorry, you’ve got to watch seasons 1-3 as well. :wink: Plenty of major characters before this have been offed:

Teri, Nina, Chappelle, Mason, Sherry, and a whole lotta terrorists for starters…

HBO’s OZ. While there’s no prison in America that bloody, and I think it’s safe to say Em City was a colossal failure, but it was cool knowing that any character, regardless of if they’d been there that

That’s probably poor editing on my part.

As for my fifteen major characters on Angel, now that I think on it, I miscounted.

Angel, Cordelia, Doyle, Lilah, Lindsey,
Wesley, Gunn, Holland, Darla, Fred,
Gavin, Connor, Lilah & Gavin’s boss, Spike, Harmony, and Illyria.

I didn’t count Lee Mercer because he only appeared in one season and was never featured in the credits; likewise Eve and Hamilton. Of those fifteen,

only Angel, Gunn, Connor, Spike, Illyria, and Lorne were alive as of the last moment of the finale. That’s 6 of 16, or 3/8.

Did I miss anybody?

Well, 24 runs a little counter to some of your assumptions, in that there are a lot of characters who are undeniably of critical importance in one season, and then don’t come back next year, often because they’re toast by then. Your rules prevent them from attaining ‘major character’ status.

Or do they?? I just realized that the way you stated the rules is a little ambiguous. If you’re a featured regular, does that keep you from having to appear in ten episodes over the course of two seasons?? Are those requirements only for recurring guest stars?

I screwed up the spoiler box in that last point; I’ll ask a mod to fix it.

Regarding the Angel body count:

Harmony’s status is in doubt, but I’d give her the benefit and consider her ‘alive’ (Well, undead, which has to be the rule for vampire characters.) She had some time to get out of the W&H office before it started to fall apart.

A major character is either
(a) a featured regular, no matter how many episodes or seasons they appear in, or

(b) a recurring guest who NOT ONLY appears in ten episodes BUT ALSO in two distinct seasons.

Thus if the actress playing Teri Bauer was named in the opening credits, Teri counts as a major character even though she doesn’t make it through the first season.

:smack: I forgot Harmony, and I was counting vampires as alive, so you’re right.
So Angel’s mort count is 7/16, unless anyone else has a nitpick.

The thing with 24 is that so often the bad guys are major characters.

Let’s test my memory. I never remember character names.

Season Four:

TerrorDad, TerrorMom, the Mummy (Marwan!), English dude (estranged hubby), Mandy, Lee Castle (if he counts, looks like 10 episodes), Behrooz is probably dead

Season Three:

Ryan Chappelle, Claudia?, Nina, Sherry Palmer, Gael, Hector, Ramon

I didn’t watch all of season 3, after the first person on the above list was killed, I bailed.

Slight hijack about Buffy vampires, which consists of a mild spoiler for Buffy season 2 episode ‘Surprise’:

Early in the episode, at a table in the student lounge, everyone is discussing Drusilla. Is Drusilla alive? Will she kill Angel?? Could she have survived the collapsing church in ‘What’s my line’???

I expected someone, probably Xander to say ‘Of course she’s not alive - she hasn’t been alive for hundreds of years. The question is if she’s still undead or if she’s dust.’ Or something along those lines. But no-one did. That gave me a :frowning: face

[sub]Let’s see if that spoiler-proof sad face works.[/sub]

Chappelle get offed? Out f–king standing!

Sorry- the rest of this got gobbled.
HBO’s OZ. While there’s no prison in America that bloody, and I think it’s safe to say Em City was a colossal failure, but it was cool knowing that any character, regardless of if they’d been there for that episode only or since the show’s beginning, can get killed at any time adds to the drama.

There’s actually an RIP section on the show’s web site. At one point the narrator of every episode since the first is killed, though he continues to narrate as a ghost (with special guest ghost narrators from previous seasons).

My theory about ER is that the major staff mortality was karmic payback for all of the patients who had CPR performed on them for over 45 minutes and still managed to come back from the brink of death with all their faculties intact.

Seriously, if the average **ER ** patient having CPR was a real patient in a real ER very few of them would be still be alive.

Well, in the finale of Blake’s 7, all the “good guys” are dead, except Avon, and he was surrounded by 42 heavily armed guards.


   Yeah, but consider how may patients bite it on that show due to doctor incompetence. Anything OTHER than CPR in that hospital is probably going to kill the patient. 

 Perhaps the doctors on that show spent most of medical school learning "super CPR" and nothing else.

Well, seeing as that hospital has been the site of two helicopter crashes, a lab explosion, a tank stand-off, a psycho-stabbing, and has had guns drawn in the ER several times, I’m suprised anyone lets the damn thing stay in business! Holy christ, I’d rather bleed to death in the street than go to county general.