MortSahlFan: Come on down, you twat!

In the general election? Because whatever Biden’s faults may be, they are pretty conventional faults. He will not turn us into a banana republic where the Top Banana uses the powers of government to enrich his family and friends, and bring the hammer down on his personal and political enemies.

This is what Trump is doing - he has already gutted the highest levels of government of anyone who would simply execute and enforce the laws, and has replaced them all with his toadies. He has done most of this just in the past year, since he felt somewhat constrained by the threat of the Mueller investigation until then. Once he replaced Sessions with Barr, and then when the Dems yawned at the Mueller report, he felt he was home free.

He will feel that way even more after the GOP votes to acquit him of the impeachment charges (their current line: yes, he did it, but so what?), and he will feel totally unfettered after being re-elected, and at that point there will be no power in the 'verse to bring him down.

This poster chooses to post their views in the most contentious way possible. Anyone who does that is a troll. It’s not worthwhile finely dissecting exactly what kind of worthless poster they are. Are they really a citizen of the Russia whose purpose is to spread propaganda or are they a true believer who just happens to spread propaganda that benefits anti-American powers? I don’t care; I /ignore them and move on.

There are posters who I strongly disagree with that I don’t ignore, because they are trying to communicate, not aggravate. Maybe mine assessment of a particular poster is wrong, but I don’t feel my time is well spent trying to pluck wisdom from jerkish posts.

Inside my head?

But what if Dems nominate TWO rancid bowls of noodles? How does your equation work then, tough guy?

Two, two Rancid Bowls of Noodles still > Trump.

Such as calling someone else a Russian troll?:dubious:

That post was not “posting in the most contentious way possible.” By implying that no one could possibly hold such an opinion honestly you minimize the problem.

I just find flinging out the term “Russian troll” when it’s obviously not true to be tiresome, lazy, and stupid.

Riding your sled!

You are inferring that which I do not imply.

You did just then!:

Just the sort of thing a Russian troll would say. :dubious:

Of course you didn’t imply it. You said it clearly, explicitly, and unambiguously.

You realize we can actually read your previous posts, don’t you?

To be clear, I in no way support or condone MortSahlFan’s position, and agree it’s extremely stupid. But expressing a stupid opinion isn’t trolling.

Just the sort of thing a Russian troll would say!:smiley:

It’s Russian trolls all the way down.

I would not, could not in my bed,
I could not, would not in his head,
I will not eat borscht on a sled,
Or drink cheap vodka with Vlad the Red.

Lost in the Shed

Now cut that out.

With more clarity:

I do not believe your inference here and I did not imply it. I do not call someone a troll for their opinions, but for their persistently posting in a way I believe does not shows interest in discussion.

I encourage others to not waste their own time with jerkish posters, but if you feel engagement has benefits, then do so.

See, they are everywhere!

I’m probably one too but thanks to fake news I may have been tricked into believing I’m not.

There is no chance that MortSahlFan is going to engage in a pit thread dedicated to his being a twat because he knows his position is indefensible. But I feel better having called him out for being a twat, because that what he is. What is he?? He’s a twat. That’s right: He lives in a twatty house, drives a twatty car and reasons like a twat.

Well, sure. Everything looks bad if you remember it!

Colibri’s contention appears to be about the word “Russian.” A Russian troll is someone from Russia who is pretending to be an American and spouting beliefs they do not have in an attempt to stir up animosity in the US for Russian interests. They are a part of Russian cyberwarfare.

MortSahlFan may be a troll in the sense he isn’t interested in discussion or is stirring up the pot. (I don’t know, as I haven’t read his contributions beyond his fanning out over Mort Sahl.) But nothing about that suggests he’s a “Russian troll.” That’s a completely different thing.

So, to avoid confusion, it might be better to just use “troll” and not “Russian troll” as the generic form.

Apologies if doing the whole “mediator” thing is annoying. It just bugs me when I see people talking past each other.