MortSahlFan: Come on down, you twat!

I submit the following exchange from P&E:

Fuck you. Fuck your bros. Fuck your cult leader, Bernie. Stay home and play with yourselves. Nobody else will.

I have no use or patience for childish fucking cunts like you.

Seconded. I will be deeply disappointed if either Biden or Bernie wins the nomination, and it seems likely that one of them will. But I will damned sure vote for the Dem nominee, no matter who s/he is.

Anyone who thinks it’s anything less than dangerously risky to our democracy to leave Trump in power until January 2025 - fuck 'em, preferably with rusty farm implements.

Yes. I don’t think shunning is used as much as it should be in some cases…

It doesn’t matter whether Biden or Bloomberg or Bernie gets the nomination. ANY of them are better than Little Donny Fail-Fail.

No Matter Who, VOTE BLUE!

Not BernieSandersFan. Unless it’s Bernie, the petulant fucking cunt is going to stay home and hold his breath until he TURNS BLUE.

Obvious Russian troll is obvious. Ignore and move on.

You think so? This seems like the least productive place for a russian troll’s time and effort. Nah. I think Morty is True Bernieber. With an IQ low enough not to know better.

Russian trolls are everywhere.

Under my bed?

Oh God yes.

Or as a bumper sticker I saw put it “ANY RESPONSIBLE ADULT 2020”.

Playing Devil’s advocate, why should a Sanders supporter vote for Joe Biden?

Is there another reason why your mattress would smell like borscht and cheap vodka? :wink:

Meh. Quacks like a duck, etc. A detailed taxonomy of trollish behaviors isn’t a useful enterprise.

Don’t judge! You don’t know me!

I prefer Bernie of the major contenders, but I’ll vote for a rancid bowl of noodles over Trump.

Besides, lets say Warren somehow gets the nom, she is pretty close to Sanders positions so why would staying home make sense in that case? I kind of get not wanting to vote for Biden, but again Biden or Trump, got to vote for Biden. He is better than rancid bowl of noodles.

Wang’s another populist progressive, should be an easy vote switch if you’re a Bernie supporter. Buttigieg is much more centrist but much better than a rancid bowl of noodles.

Bloomberg, very green, overall centrist, I would happily vote for him over Trump.

Amy Klobuchar > rancid bowl of noodles > Trump

If I missed anyone, I’m sure the equation still works.

In the primary? Vote for whomever you please.

In the election? Vote for the Democratic candidate unless you want *another *4 years of Idiocy and Corruption, Inc.

At this point, vote a straight ticket since one of the things we really, really need is to have someone other than Republicans in charge of redistricting after the census.

Well, I’m not looking for an argument about it. I just think, in contrast to their arguable success, the actual number of Russian Trolls on the interwebs have been greatly exaggerated. Their numbers pale in comparison to useful idiots, like Morty.

As a strong Bernie supporter, I endorse this Pitting, except for the part that implies this idiotic attitude is typical for us.

You really think a Russian troll would spend his time here opening (literally) a hundred threads on movies and TV? The knee jerk accusation that anyone with an opposing political view must be a Russian troll is both idiotic and misses the real issue.

I’m progressive, socialism inclined. I don’t hate Bernie. I don’t want to be lectured at scolded by him for the next 4-8 years, but I would vote for the guy if he was the nominee, without hesitation.

What’s “typical” is the kind of brain dead, cult like fealty some BernieBros express: ‘Bernie or I stay home and continue to wank off alone!’. As if they’ll suddenly get a life and tolerable personality if Bernie becomes POTUS. I mean, maybe. Is that what his campaign has been promising them for a $25 donation?