
Hi. I’m relatively new to this board and have never posted before. It seems that there is an answer for any question out there so here’s mine. I am refinishing my fireplace and would like to create a mosaic on the hearth. Can anyone tell me what the best grout, etc. is? I’m planning to use ceramic dishes for the tiles. I’d really appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Sanded grout is used for large floor tiles and non-sanded grout is used for small tiles. It is an easy project and even a first- timer can expect excellent results. However, I question your idea of using ceramic dishes. Do you feel they are sturdy enough?

If you cut the crockery into small enough pieces, the effect can be quite attractive; get yourself a pair of tile nippers to make the job easier.

Hehe, I guess I should have mentioned that I planned to break or cut the dishes. Thanks for the input.