Most absurd celebrity crush

I have no idea why but William Fichtner totally does it for me. I know, I know he looks like the love child of James Spader and an alien…

I’ve got a thing for the tiny-but-tough Sergeant Havers, as portrayed by Sharon Small. Funny, Lady Lacha is tiny-but-tough, too. I see a pattern forming …

Just made my way back to this thread- I’m down. You let me know and we’ll perform the switcheroo. I’ll just have to find someone for my wife, who has never let on about any of her crushes, absurd or otherwise. As soon as she gives me a name, we’ll set it up.


Great, now I have a celebrity crush on that chocolate doughnut they are featuring. Anything on that there Internet is an instant celebrity, right?

Have you seen the new $10 bill? Alexander Hamilton is HOT!

But he’s dead, you say…doesn’t make any difference, I’m married.

My long term crush is Mr. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. Everyone ELSE likes Darcy, who still seems like a stiff to me after wearing out three copies of the book.

I meant no disrespect to my favorite Surreal Life star. As a matter of fact, that’s where I got the jones for him from. Not only did he do nothing for me in their heyday, but I didn’t even listen to that devil music. :stuck_out_tongue: But now he seems quite adorable and I find him irresistibly cute. Although I’ve bet he’s still been around the block a time or four thousand. Hence the suit.

And who knew that having a thing for Alice would be such a boon?? To attract all the hawt Doper men! But as everyone knows, my heart belongs to the Hermit, no matter what the hair style. ::: blushes :::

I seem to have a thing for Asian guys.
BD Wong, the guy who plays Archie on CSI, Daniel Dae Kim from Lost, Chow Yun-Fat and Jet Li.

I wasn’t saying he was Moe. I was however saying he was a less than attractive man (who married a more than attractive woman), is all


Don’t feel weird. Maid Marion is the Eve of furries. Robin Hood was the first Disney animated feature to be casted exclusively with anthropomorphic animals, and Marion was the female lead. You were basically a pioneer in furryhood.

Don’t tell anyone…
but I think Robert Horry (of the NBA; a. k. a. “Big Shot Bob”) is a dreamboat. And I am a very straight male.

Whoa - then I should add him to my absurd crushes then, because he really does it for me. Fi-yi-yah! :smiley:

For the last year my main crush has been Dave Matthews. Problem is, when I listen to his music, I want to pounce any and all men who might be around. Unfortunately there are no men around.

Could be worse. When Robert Crumb was little he had, by his own account, a sexual obsession with Bugs Bunny.

A friend of mine still has a crush on Optimus Prime.

She’s 24.

Lynne Russell. Go figure.

[Garth]Was it when Bugs Bunny dressed up like a girl bunny?[/Garth]

Wayne’s World was on Comedy Central not too long ago.

No offense taken – just letting you know C.C.'s quite fetching in person. (I thought I was the only one on the boards who watched “Surreal Life 6”.)

Enjoy the Alice/hot Doper men love-fest!

OK, ya got me. I always thought grown men fantasizing about Kim Possible was creepy and weird, but Erin Esurance is a very sexy animated spokes-babe.

Erm…I had a crush on Robin Hood. So I am with you there. Also the boy from Speed Racer. And I am now 30.

Oh, I guess I join you guys then, He was cute, wasn’t he?