Most cliched line in cinema: "Let's get out of here!"

I never realized how often they say “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” in the Star Wars movies, even the new ones.

I heard that Lucas did that on purpose, he liked the lyrical sound and rhythm of the line.

“There’s no choice!”

My GF and I exchange a look every time this one comes up. It has variations:

“We don’t have a choice!”

“There isn’t any choice!”

Done to death.

How about “I don’t know who you are anymore” or “I don’t know who I am anymore” ?

And a variation on what Happy Wanderer said:

“I just need one more minute.”

The inevitable reply: “We don’t have another minute!”

This is used on TV shows a lot, not just in films.

“Talk to me!”

I think I may have discovered a new record.

“Let’s get out of here!” and its foul-mouthed variations are uttered no less than seven times in the movie Florida Straits. Surprisingly, the movie isn’t that bad. Though it ain’t good, mind you.