To bad its limited to the USA because England is a far more dangerous place to be a visiting fan. They are segregated and often exit the stadium at separate times. Dont go to a Liverpoo match in anything but their jersey.
One? There are incidents of varying severity every year. Giants fan Marc Antenorcruz was shot to death outside the Dodgers stadium in 2003. A beatdown during this year’s playoffs left a Mets fan “missing a piece of his skull.”
The danger is overestimated at least in my experience. I’ve been to Fenway three times wearing my Yankees cap with no problems. A few people did say “You’re brave!,” but they were smiling. I was not there, however, when they were playing the Yankees.
Likewise in Yankee stadium I haven’t seen Red Sox fans be harassed unless they were acting like assholes.
I don’t know how it is now, but in 1983 I visited the old Comiskey Park in Chicago, as a visiting fan of the Kansas City Royals. Boy, was I glad to be with a group of fellow students. They weren’t Royals fans, they just wanted to see a ball game, but still I had some protection.
Those White Sox fans were ugly in manner to the visiting Royals, hurling all manner of insults, especially to one Royals player who had been in rehab. When the Royals won the game I took off my hat and folded my pennant when leaving the stadium with my friends.
Anyone going to an Eagles game who is not an Eagles fan.
When I was stationed near Philly they had a Cowboys fan beat nearly to death at an Eagles game. For the rest of the season they not only had undercover cops wearing opposing team’s jerseys during the game but also had a judge downstairs to immediately process all the arrests.
When you have to bring a judge to the stadium, you lose (or win, depending on your viewpoint).
I like the idea of having a tame judge on hand, ready to do the office as soon as required. Rather mediaeval, like a private chaplain.
Shopping malls, parks, opera-houses and tearooms could all benefit from this approach.
I went to a Raiders game in high school and sat with the families of the opposing team. They were throwing batteries and stuff at us and we got a police escort from the stadium before the game was over.
That being said I’d still vote Giants fan going to Dodger stadium. I’m a huge Dodger fan but damn some of the other fans are scary.
I’ve sat next to Yankees fans in full pinstripes at Fenway, and while people will give them good-natured ribbing it’s never become antagonistic or hateful. The few times things veered in that direction it was the Sox fans that told the other Sox fans to calm down.
I usually sit in the box seats, it might be different in the bleachers. But the folks at Fenway have made a huge effort to shut down the abuse that was prevalent in the past.
I saw a guy just walking through a section at Fenway wearing a Yankees hat and almost every fan in the area stood, pointed and chanted “Yankees Suck!” at the dude. This was at a Red Sox / Rays game. Why the idiot thought a Yankees hat would be a good idea, we’ll never know. There was no violence and the hat wearer laughed it off.
Concur. I have seen fans of other teams in Yankee Stadium trying to pick a fight. Rarer, I’ve seen drunk Yankee fans looking to pick a fight with an opposing fan.