Most disgusting scene you've ever seen - in the sense of physical revulsion

Hardly the grossest ever, but bad because it’s credible: the “worst toilet in Scotland” scene in Trainspotting.

I have not watched it, but I’m guessing you’re referring to “1 man 1 jar” or sometimes “1 man 1 cup.”

There are a few bits of visceral horror, combined with sadism, which make me want to never watch ‘Wolf Creek’ again. Ironically this means that I consider it a very good horror film.

" Eraserhead" made me so sick I had to leave the movie theater.

I’ve never seen anything on a screen that upset me and made me as sick as that terrible thing he had in that film.

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An episode of “Master’s of Horror” called “Pelts” had two scenes that really got me. One involved a woman sewing her mouth/eyes shut and another involved a guy, his face, and a bear trap.

Another one was the scene were the woman was killed by barbed wire in the first Silent Hill movie.

Not for me personally… I was laughing my ass off. But I remember several people getting up and walking out of the theater at that point. I think the liver donor scene was actually more disgusting than the projectile vomiting.

at the very end of the original when the bus is escaping over the mountain pass they open the back doors and push out each poor little mini to its doom.:frowning:

The rape scene in “Deliverance”. I haven’t been able to watch that movie again.

Same here, only time I’ve actually had to ask someone to tell me when it was over and leave the room until it was. It was that or audience participation. Mum had the same reaction as me, Dad and bro were laughing their asses off and wouldn’t let us skip the scene (like I have every time I’ve watched it since). The bro predictably spent the next few years offering me wafer thin mints after every big meal.

Come to think of it, watching that whole film for the first time with my parents and brother as a 17 year old wasn’t the most comfortable of things.

This may surprise some people.

I cannot watch the “strip tease” scene in True Lies, where Arnie (husband) uses a tape recorder to encourage Jamie Lee Curtis (wife) to perform for him. For some reason, I find this distasteful, revolting, and just discomforting. This used to be a popular movie for demonstrating laserdiscs and projection TV. I would have to leave the room or walk out of the store if this scene came up.

I won’t watch American History X again becuase of the scene about the guys head and the curb and someones boot. That is the worst thing I can think of.

First one that comes to mind is a scene from last season’s Game of Thrones.

At the Citadel, Sam Tarly takes it upon himself to cure a patient of Greyscale disease, which is shown via a montage of scraping away the top layer of dead, blackened skin that oozes white pus at every touch. Suddenly, during one close-up of a particularly crusty, gooshy pustule, the camera suddenly zooms out to reveal a new scene – Arya Stark, in a tavern miles away, hungrily devouring a creamy pot pie.

That’s something I’ve wondered - do actors have a “safe word” they can use if something truly goes awry while shooting a scene?

Because if they scream in pain, the director might just think, “Well, their character is ***supposed ***to scream and shout, ‘No, NO, stop, STOP!’ while being tortured or killed, so we can ignore it.”

The second episode of an anime called Another.

A girl runs in terror from the supposed creepy and trips, falling down the stairs and impaling herself on her umbrella. But that’s not the worst part of that scene.

I still can’t watch the “chestburster” scene in Aliens.

Ray Liotta eating his own brain.

Yes, I just watched the end. I had forgotten that.

Please excuse me while I wipe the tears from my eyes…

I doubt it would have helped Vic Morrow or the kids with him on Twilight Zone: The Movie.

Going through this thread reminds me that gross scenes involving food tend to bother me a lot more than scenes of gore do. One film with a gross food-related scene that hasn’t been mentioned yet is the bathtub scene from Gummo.

Stan Brakhage’s classic short film “The Act of Seeing with One’s Own Eyes,” which consists entirely of graphic autopsy footage. It’s quite beautiful in its way, and I liked it the first time I saw it, when I was much younger, but a couple years back I tried to rewatch it and simply could not make it through.

I forgot the name of the movie, but it was a French Horror film. At the end of the movie, the villain cuts open a woman’s pregnant stomach. It really disturbed me.

The extended puppet sex scene from the Team America: World Police DVD. What made it into the theaters was funny, the cut scenes which were retained in the DVD were unnecessary and disgusting (though not surprising, from Matt and Trey).

That would be Inside.
For me, it’s the rape scene in the original Last House on the Left. Even the rapists seem disgusted with what they did.

Oddly, more than the dog shit scene in Pink Flamingos, I can’t watch the singing asshole scene. Too Goatse for me.