Most hated idioms

Don’t go there.

Yes. It goes along with the reality show staple “I’m not here to make friends.”

Yep! Awful.

And I remember when FTW meant fuck the world. Now it apparently stands for the truly horrible “for the win!”

It seems like I’ve suddenly (last 6 months or so) been hearing this one everywhere. I’m just kind of perplexed by it. It’s like everyone at once decided it was the right way to signal agreement.

A hot girl walks by and one dude says to the other “I’d hit that.” Meaning he’d do her. The same as “tap that.”

Shooting Fish In The Barrel, Why Is It That? (5:44am) - YouTube <–video

I’ve seen “reach out to” used quite a lot lately in conjunction with trying to sell something. “I was reaching out to you to see if you might be interested in our Product X.”

Ick. Keep your reaching out to your damn self.

“That being said…” usually followed by something completely contradictary to what they just said.
“Kick Rocks” - favorite saying of that clown Kasey on Bachelor Pad.

These expressions aren’t how I roll.

Oh, forgot one:

“It’s a ________ thing, you wouldn’t understand”

Thankfully it seems to be fading away, because the condescension in it makes me see red.

It’s a no-brainer. I can’t articulate how much I hate this phrase.

Preggers, hubby, and baby bump – just stop.

I instantly hate anybody who uses the phrase “for shits and giggles”. Ugh. I don’t even like typing it. Also the aforementioned “brain fart”, just about the ugliest phrase ever invented.

I know, right.

How’s that working for ya?

I have a (48 yo) friend who says both these all the damned time. Makes me want to punch her.

Attention, old people: “turned on” no longer means to be made aware of. Stop saying someone turned you on to something. It sounds gross- you’re old, and I don’t want to think of you being turned on. Thanks!

…and whatnot

Suddenly I’m hearing this all the time and it grates on my every time.

“Touch base.” This saying makes my teeth hurt and my skin crawl.

But it’s funny: years ago I met some really nice ladies on a train to San Antonio, TX. The tracks got flooded around Dallas so Amtrak put everyone on buses for the rest of the trip. The one lady said “When we get there we’ll touch bases.” - and that didn’t bug me. It was like the “s” negated the annoyance.

I also agree with “At the end of the day” and “FTW” - when I was a kid that meant “Fuck the World”, now it’s “For the Win” - WTF?

The wife.

How about ‘my wife’ or her name? It just seems so impersonal.

“Hit the ref” in the context of hockey games. Do you realize how many games that player would be suspended if he did hit the ref? Idiot.

Our team owner did moon the refs once after a really badly called game.

A lot of people seem to take considerable grammatical umbrage at the phrase “I could care less.” I don’t, but I know that this is something that really gets to people.

I also hate this term, but maybe not for the same reason as you. I don’t find it cold and feeling-less, but a “significant other” should mean anybody you have some sort of personal relationship with, not necessarily your romantic partner. But now it’s all it means. It’s even worse when it’s shortened to SO.

Also DH for “dear husband”.