Most Liberals are Hateful and Nasty Individuals

I think this is more applicable.

Most of them aren’t, but the worst of them are as bad as the worst conservatives you can find. (And are in denial about it.)

Conservatives think liberals have bad ideas. Liberals think conservatives are bad people. Their invective tends to reflect this.


Dude, that is the dumbest meme there is. People who complain that gays are sexualizing their children in order to turn them gay are not complaining that it’s a bad idea.

And some conservatives think that saying the same thing over and over again(especially if it came from a bumper sticker) makes it real.

Other way around, IME: Conservatives think liberals are bad people. The liberal view of conservatives is more like this.

Get a brain, morans!

To counter that particular overused witticism, may I direct your attention to the OP?

You’ve said this many times, and repetition does not make it true.

I do have good friends who are conservative, and think they are good people - one of whom is a genuine hero. But his religion and life experience have led him to become very conservative. He’s convinced “Obamacare” is destroying medicine, and pointing out that it was invented by the Heritage Foundation does not seem to do any good. He’s a very devout Catholic, and he starts from the basis that abortion is murder, therefore anyone that supports abortion is a supporter of murderers - and actual political discussion is impossible. “Murder” brooks no negotiation.

Other good conservative friends are business owners who resent every penny they pay in taxes - never mind that they have been the beneficiary of a FEMA rescue several times. But again, pointing out their hypocrisy is not a good way to keep friends. Besides, I have been the indirect beneficiary of their FEMA funds working to rebuild their business.

Another actually wished for Obama to be assassinated - to my face. Leaving aside the cruelty of that wish, depriving a loving wife and two young girls their father, I don’t think I’ve ever wished to see a political opponent assassinated. I did wish to see Dick Cheney water-boarded, if only so he had the information to really know for himself that it was not torture.

You know what, if conservatives were simply concerned with economic issues, I wouldn’t be so judgmental. But since they insist invoking the Bible in everything, are homophobic, misogynistic, anti-democratic, frequently racist, capitalism fetishists, I tend to discount them. That’s me being polite.

But what about socialists? Hateful-&-nasty?

But in ConservativeWorld™, it does!

So when Michele Bachmann calls the Obama administration a cabal of radicals that is trying to steal everybody’s freedom, says people in Congress should be investigated for anti-American views, and says liberals want to encourage children to experiment with gay sex, she’s merely critiquing their ideas and calling them bad people? Bullshit, and she is a maniac to boot. If she does not actually believe this kind of horseshit, she certainly enjoys expressing it in return for votes.

I dunno, Shodan. I think plenty of right wingers believe that everyone left of St. Reagan is a demonic monster bent on destroying God and Man. They’re awfully personal in their attacks and their claims, as opposed to merely opposing ‘ideas’.

The join date is the only thing that surprised me about the rant.

Isn’t she in Congress? If so, shouldn’t she start with investigating herself then?

The consensus among the thoughtful conservatives I have heard is that Reagan himself could not survive a Republican primary these days.

The fact that it is Shodan quoting this is like icing on the urinal cake

I was going to respond to this Op with a thoughtful look at why we call Tea Baggers racists, the evil mean vindictive things Michell Bachman has said about Gays, Muslims, and democrats, maybe mention the fact that most of Rachael Maddow’s points are fact checked and well reasoned, but many of my fellow dopers have already done that.

So I’m just going to laugh at you and call you an idiot.

Ha Ha, You’re dumb.

Fucking Bull-Moose Assholes are the worst. Nothing but a bunch of liberal, racist, commie, fascist pedos. I can’t believe that all of you piece of shit motherless goat fuckers are so rude. What the fuck is wrong with people? Why can’t these incestuous thieves show at least a little bit of civility? I know that most of them are arsonists and rapists, but I can’t believe the level of vitriol. It’s sickening.

Catchy slogan. “Liberals think conservatives are bad people.”

That’s an example of labeling liberals, isn’t it? Not liberal ideas. The people themselves.

And that’s the kind of thing you just claimed conservatives don’t do. As you we’re doing it.

So how about we update your motto to be more accurate?

Conservatives repeat catchy slogans without thinking about whether they make sense. Their invective tends to reflect this.