Why is it that most liberals are so vicious? Just reading about Michelle Bachmann’s retirement announcement and am so sad to see so much vitriol directed her way. Why is it that anyone with conservative values is trashed??? Alan West, Herman Cain, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin etc.
Honestly, what is so wrong with the Tea Party? I don’t understand how you can call them racist for wanting smaller government, fiscal responsibility and adherence to our constitution. Where does the racism come in??? I am so disgusted by people like Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Dan Savage to name just a few. And don’t get me started on Melissa Harris-Perry, she is beneath contempt. I personally think that most liberals are racist because they can’t seem to leave race out of anything. They see everything in terms of race. What is up with that? And how can they defend the actions of this administration? The IRS picking on a group of citizens that it doesn’t agree with? If the roles were reversed I would be extremely upset with the IRS for the sheer fact that what they did was WRONG. Period. I truly do not understand. I have only been interested in politics for the last few years and am saddened by how vicious and nasty the left treats the right. Was it always this bad?
This will end well.
I am not going to respond to your content, because obviously you are frothing at the mouth and would be unable to respond in a reasonable manner. However, I did report it as probably a good candidate for the Pit, rather than IMHO.
It’s simple really; Take all the names in this post, flip them around, and you have how you make most liberals feel. We are disgusted by the behavior of people like Michelle Bachmann in a fashion which is similar but comes from a completely different source than your disgust for the likes of Rachel Maddow, who most of us regard as being a reasoning, fair thinking individual.
That about covers it. Have a good day!
To be fair, I am a liberal who hates Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews. However I really do hate Bachmann and her ilk a lot, lot more.
Frothing at the mouth??? Lol! See what I mean? Why couldn’t you just politely reply?
That’s funny, I was just reading about Bachmann’s retirement in The Washington Post, and the article suggested that one of Bachmann’s big problems is that Republicans don’t like her.
Black text on a white background. Racist.
I don’t agree with the OP; I’m liberal but will be sorry to see Bachmann go. She is entertaining.
I’m moving this to the Pit since it seems to fit in much better there as a rant/attack on a wide group.
You want polite responses to your OP?
Here is your Word For The Day.
The irony of someone complaining about liberal’s mistreatment of Michelle Bachman is truly breathtaking.
Do you actually know any liberals? I consider myself fairly liberal and I haven’t said one thing about Michelle Bachman, except to my better half, and that was a comment of relief.
Don’t believe everything you read on the interwebs.
Welcome to political discourse. If you think this sort of invective is an exclusive liberal trait, well, you must be new to political discourse…
Hey OP, when accusing an entire group of being nasty and hateful, it’s probably not a very good idea to then go ahead and be very nasty and hateful yourself in your very own post. Just a suggestion.
You have already said that liberals are “hateful individuals”, “vicious”, and “racist”; and you think Indyellen is the one who is being impolite? If you can figure out the answer to that question, it might go a long way toward helping you understand things.
It’s true that Bachmann said tons and tons of stupid and malicious things about all sort of people, but in her defense, vaccinations probably made her do it.
Maddow, in particular, goes out of her way to be polite and courteous to all her guests, liberal and conservative alike. I’ve watched her show from the very beginning, and recall when she had a regular segment for her “fake uncle” Pat Buchanan. I only recall one episode when she appeared to lose her temper with a guest - who was promoting the death penalty for being gay.
I really would like to see someone who loathes Maddow to produce some actual video evidence of her saying terrible things, and then put it up against the rich archive of things Bachmann has provided her liberal critics.
Chris Matthews is slightly harder to defend, as he is frequently rude, constantly interrupting his guests, but then his show is named Hardball.
Dan Savage is not my favorite gay liberal political commentator - Ron Reagan is.
Yep. You just see more of the liberal brand here because there are more liberals here.
He’s also stupid as hell, and overall not worth defending in the first place. There are, of course, no loud and rude conservative talk show hosts, which is why Matthews is reviled by all as a beacon of incivility.