Most loathsome city in the universe

I’ve been to Detroit, Gary, East St. Louis and Newark (I have GOT to fire my travel agent), but for truly depressing, I nominate any number of communities in southeast Missouri, eastern Arkansas and northwest Mississippi. Granted, they’re too small to be called “cities” but they utterly lack any hint of past glory or plucky grit that you might be able to dig out in a more urbanized area.

In a distant galaxy, 3 billion light years away on the planet of Mxxzzy is the city of Wqtrr which is the most loathesome city in the universe.

Wqtrr is an unincorporated municipality.

I’m still waiting for someone from Asia, Africa or S. America to enter this thread and laugh his or her ass off.

My submission (though it recently ceased to be) is Kowloon Walled City.

I’ve been to lots of shitty Asian cities and a couple of shitty African ones. I’d still go with Newark.

Really? Jeff City? How come? I’m going to be moving to Mid-Missouri later in the year, and I was thinking about Jeff City. I haven’t been there in a while, but I remember kind of a cute downtown and some nice bluffs overlooking the river.

Rochdale, Lancs., UK.

If the world had piles that’s where they’d be, right in the Town Hall square

Might as well just choose my lovely hometown of Memphis, where you can experience the sad truths of MO, AR, and MS–with a big ol’ splash of murder and decay.:frowning:

I nominate New York. Yes, you heard right, New York.

It is a vast swirling singularity of negative energy, surrounded by interesting people and neat stuff.
It accepts everything, yet denies anything outside itself.
It is a social-Darwinist concentration camp, its fires fed by the all-day-all-night slaughtering of souls.

Cairo, the real one, not the one in illinois.

I assume you’re actually referring to the city of Tampa, which is indeed quite detestable. The Bay Area encompasses many cities, some which are quite nice and some which suck mightily (I’m looking at you, Pinellas Park). Of course if you actually hate the the whole area, that’s cool too. Just don’t expect an invitation to the the carnival freak capital of the country.

This one?


Sorry, just always wanted to do that on here, back to your normally scheduled thread. As far as places I have been, the Tampa city area just seems like an all out filth hole.

I lived in Winnipeg for three years and it was a great place to live. I agree it doesn’t make a good first impression though.

Regina, on the other hand, is a hole.

sorry; double post

I went down to Winnipeg this past weekend. After living in Thompson, Winnipeg was live a five star vacation in the world capital of glamour.

Uggghhh, Thompson…

I should take some pictures of this town and place them side by side with pictures of those nasty Soviet resource cities. You’d be hard pressed to tell which one is which.

Newark Airport is in a swamp, half of it is in the City of Elizabeth, and you can barely see the skyline of downtown Newark from there. Most of that industrial crap you see from the plane is not in Newark. It’s far from an undiscovered gem (although the Portuguese food is better than what you can get in Mordor), but the idea that Newark is more loathsome than, say, Camden NJ or Lagos, Nigeria or some industrial backwater in China is just silly. At least it doesn’t have open sewers.

Gotta disagree, a city can’t be THAT loathsome if it houses this radio station:

I came to say Camden, NJ. I dated a guy who was from there. His Mother’s house was in an area where the police and EMT’s refused to enter - if someone needed immediate medical attention you had to get them to the nearest large intersection and the ambulance would meet you there.

Detroit is pretty bad too though. Gunfire is just normal on a Saturday night near my Uncle’s house there.

I suspect that 6-7 months from now it will be Detroit, hands down.

Of course, I’ve never been to Calcutta, but if the reports are true then neither comes close. . .

. . . and I have to stick up for Las Vegas a bit. The strip, yeah, I agree, and maybe the six block radius around it, but most of the actual city is full of great people and happy families.

I’ve heard bad things about Reno.

OK, so final answer: Camden today, Detroit next year.

I wouldn’t believe much else that this particular guy told you.