Most memorable images from the past decade of film

Not sure if documentaries qualify, but if they do:

Birds in flight, shot from ultralight, from Winged Migration. Amazing stuff.

The shot in LOTR of the Fellowship at the mountain pass? I remember way before the movie was out, I saw a 5 second clip of that scene on some TV show and I was so thrilled to death that the movie was made (with sequels to come), and it just looked so spectacular and I had been waiting forever - I thought, after I see the movies, I could then die happy.

Interestingly, at this moment I’m watching King Kong with my kids (yeah, and goofing a bit online) and either the V-Rex/Anne/Kong shot or Anne and Kong atop the Empire State with the vast skyline of all as-yet-unbuilt New York below them work for me.

Ooh! And the opening minute of Episode III.

WALL-E and EVE siting together when EVE has the Christmas lights.
Let the Right One In**: Last pool scene.

Sympathy For Lady Vengeance: Scene in the snow toward the end.

Serenity: River standing over bodies of Reavers.

Practically every frame of The Fall.

Slumdog Millionaire - the game show scenes and the train sequence

The Incredibles - the action “pose” as the whole family comes together on the island and faces off against Syndrome’s henchmen.

V for Vendetta - the army of “V’s” gathering at Parliament at the end.

LOTR - Gandalf arriving at the Shire, the march of the Ents, the charge of the Rohirrim.

Chuck Noland dancing in front of the fire he’s made in Cast Away.

Smoochy standing in front of the Nazi flags in Death to Smoochy.

Senator Kelly liquifying in X-Men.

Lakai - OOF!

I agree wholeheartedly with the the Wall-E and Serenity scenes.
Though I’d also like to mention the cartoon opening with “Sweet HoneyBee” of Juno.

Sorry but things in my brain may be farther away than they appear.

Same movie, but when he’s standing there watching his oil derrick burn, just a silhouette against the fire.

City of God (2002) - Lil Dice shooting using a revolver

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - laying side by side on the frozen Charles River.

The Fall (2006) - the soldiers climbing the stairs