Inspired by (i.e. stolen from) this thread at the Auteurs. There are some beautiful images here.
What are the images that stick with you most strongly from your last ten years of movie watching? I’m actually a bit groggy at the moment and will post mine later, but I wanted to start this thread in the meantime.
Well, I know it’s not very deep or original, but for me it’s the image of Frodo crawling up Mount Doom. After seeing it in my mind’s eye for decades, it was a thrill, a thrill I tell you, to see it up on the big screen. It (along with many other memorable images from the LOTR films) will stay with me for a long time.
Pirates of the Caribbean: skeleton pirates on the ocean floor; Davy Jones’s first appearance; Cutler Beckett walking down the stairs as his ship shatters around him.
The scene establishing shot of the dusty crossroads from ‘Oh Brother Where Art Thou?’. The minute I saw that I knew what was coming. There’s only one reason to see a lonely crossroads like that in a southern movie.
I’m actually kinda hard pressed to think of a really iconic film image in the last decade. I can think of plenty from further back, say, Trinity in the first Matrix film jumping up in the air to kick someone and getting freeze framed, or Tim Robbins character cleaning himself in the rain after escaping in Shawshank redemption, but not more recent.
Maybe a film has to be around for a longer period of time for a single frame to get established that way.
Yeah those first shots of Captain Jack Sparrow are very memorable. So much goodness in that first Pirates movie. Same for first Matrix movie - first bullet-time shot is quite memorable. (dang studios - always wanting more money and never leaving well enough alone and putting out crappy sequels)