Most Overrated Actors

I have never understood why Tom Cruise is remotely famous. A pure talent free zone.

Jack Nicholson seems to be a parody of himself these days (although earlier stuff was good).

Anyone from Friends.

Laurence Olivier as a screen actor is frequently horrible, at best hammy. I also don’t like Anthony Hopkins: his acting is all technique and no emotion, nothing surprising or passionate - he just runs through a series of expressions. (Streep is similar to Hopkins, but I think she’s shown more range over her career: from Plenty to Adaptation.)

Brando and DeNiro were both brilliant actors in their youth, but stopped trying a long time ago, so it depend on your terms if they’re overrated: if you’re casting a film now and pick DeNiro because you think he’s going to do better work than anyone else, you’re a fool. But in the history of cinema, both have done some of the most extraordinary performances ever: Brando in Streetcar and Last Tango, De Niro in Mean Streets and Raging Bull are the sort of jaw-droppingly astoundingly passionate and moving performances you’d never get from Hopkins or Olivier in a million years.

I definitely agree with Dennis Hopper though. Passable in Rebel Without A Cause, but since then downhill.

Nicole Kidman
Al Pachino
Anthony Hopkins
Julia Roberts
Sean Connery
Halle Berry

He’s pure eye candy, untainted by talent.

Please explain Bruce & Demi to me. (Of couse, that joke was funnier when they were Bruce&Demi. Maybe now it should be Demi&Ashton).

Forbidden Hollywood did a great parody titled “We Shouldn’t Be in Pictures,” starring Melaine, Juliette & Keanu.

Yes, yes!!! I don’t think he has been good, honestly, since back when he did Legend. He always seems to be playing the rich, good looking, cool, pompous guy in every movie. It’s unintentionally funny.

Just to provide some stark contrast…

Robert Duvall and Gene Hackman are two of my favorites

Nicole Kidman
Al Pacinco

Gwyneth Paltrow, Halle Berry and Marisa Tomei. All are Oscar winners?

Am I alone in thinking that Brad Pitt’s acting is vacuous? I just don’t get it. Goddamm…he’s about as believable in character as Julia Roberts.
Fight Club would’ve tanked if not for Edward Norton carrying it.
I agree definitely that Tom Cruise is waaaaaaaaaay overated. Same whiney little shit in every movie.
Ok, and I know she isn’t overrated or even on the scale for that matter but how can Madonna be so horrible an actress? How can she not know? jus’ wonderin’

Jennifer Annistan
Kevin Costner
Antonio Banderas
Melanie Griffith
Jamie Lee Curtis
Corbin Bernson

Sandra Bullock

Julia Roberts - she has laughed the same way in every movie since PRETTY WOMAN.

Tom Cruise


Sean Penn

Corbin Bernson? Overated? Horrible, horrible actor but did anyone EVER hold him in high regard. Please say it isn’t so.

Here’s another one I don’t get.


Can she just once play some fucked up psycho bitch instead of sweet little lovable blonde girl… Playing a drunk in When a Man Loves A Woman isn’t really taking a big artistic risk.

And don’t get me started on Keanu Reeves. I’ve seen horse crap with more personality. (although he could play Jim Rome in a short…please god let it be short…film about Rome’s life and career.

Isabelle, with the exception of Sean Penn, I’ve never seen anybody overrate those actors. (I know, I know, they gave Julia Roberts an Oscar a few years ago.) They’re just popular.

Few people think he’s a good actor, but someone out there must, or else he’s the luckiest person alive. How else can you explain the fact that so many movies he’s in are so good, even with his horrible acting?

Anthony Hopkins
Meryl Streep
Julia Roberts

Having the ability to pull people in to see your movie and having the ability to act are two different things.

Antonio Banderas had a better reputation as an actor before he came to America. Even for his early English roles in films like * Philadelphia* and Interview With A Vampire he was praised. But he has squandered whatever good will he had since then with his Hollywood career. So Isabelle is right to a degree.

Drew Barrymore gets praised way out of her league as an actress for stuff like Driving In Cars With Boys or Ever After. Granted she is popular for some reason I can’t fathom either, but most of her acting is so dreadful she insults the Barrymore name. She’s been riding the overgrown teenager stll trying to act cute for far too long. She like Alicia Silverstone but with more credibility.

Meg Ryan did try branching out with against type roles in stuff like Hurlyburly, Flesh And Bone and Courage Under Fire. The first is a mixed bag, I can’t remember much about the scond film, and I liked the third one despite finding her attempt at an accent distarcting. Maybe that’s why mostly she sticks to those sweet, lovable blonde girl roles. Besides that’s where her big paydays are.

Dustin Hoffman.

It’s actually painful most of the time to watch him act. Why? Because it LOOKS like he’s acting. I liked him in Tootsie because it seemed almost autobiographical. A perfectionist method actor who annoys the living hell out of everybody.