/\as above/\
The invention of writing was a pretty big one.
The birth of Jesus. For good or ill, that event and its alleged aftermath has shaped much of world history over the last two thousand years.
Well, crap. I’m gonna have to go a bit bigger than the cancellation of HeeHaw, I see. BRB (soon).
How about electric lights?
The moon landings.
Does the OP have an OP inion?
That’s going to be a tough call, because it depends so much upon what you consider ‘significant’.
Will it be an event that caused repercussions down the historical line? Will it be something that was so profound regardless of its future impact?
With regard to the latter, I guess for me it was man leaving Earth and landing on the moon.
Will Smith saving the world from alien invaders
Reported for Junior Modding.
The detonation of the atom bomb - I’m just on the fence as to whether the first test detonation, or Hiroshima, is the more significant one.
Since you said recorded event I’m going to go with Smapti and say writing, too.
And could jimbuff314 please report for me that I report him for reporting himself for Junior Modding? Thanks so much. I need more coffee.
Constantine’s conversion maybe idk tough question
The invention of the plow.
Cite: The documentary series “Connections”.
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Got to agree. Even if you don’t believe that he actually existed you know of him. Much of the world bases their calendars on the year of his birth and many wars were fought in his name (for right or wrong). Much of our basic morals are founded in his teachings and many people are awaiting his return. Love or hate the guy (or the concept of the guy) he is all around. Pretty significant. Even other religions like Islam recognize him as significant teacher/prophet of morals even if they don’t think that he was God walking among us and huge numbers of non-religious people celebrate his birth every year.
I don’t think the invention of writing was actually recorded – we know it happened, but we don’t know exactly when and where (and it probably happened in a few different places at a few different times).
welcome to earf
What!?! Someone killed the entire band?