So at noon today I arose to go to the school cafeteria. As usual, it was serving a mishmash of breakfast/dinner foos (this being a college, after all, and usually everyone’s first meal of the day). I wandered over to a table to put my coat and hat down, and on the way I noticed a chocolate creme pie on the rack in the dessert section.
Oh good, I thought I’ll just get my food and then get a piece of pie.
But that was not to be. Why? Because in the space of ONE MINUTE the entire pie was gone. Whoosh. Some fucker had decided to disregard any common decency and deprive everyone else a piece of pie.
Then later that day somebody stole my friend’s frozen pizza, which he had laid out on the kitchen counter while waiting for the oven to heat up.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned today, it’s that human beings can’t be trusted to act with any sort of decency or respect for their fellow man. It really makes me regret every time I’ve turned in somebody’s lost wallet, or exercised moderation so that someone else could benefit as well. Because I can’t stand being a big fat slob, I suffer.
Fuck you, food thieves. I hope you die on your stolen goods and your obituary says, “This person died because he or she couldn’t be bothered to think about other people.”
…what if the food was stolen to feed starving children?
This attitude is pitworthy on its own. You regret having integrity because some piddly little thefts happened? This leads me to beleive your “moderation” is less about kindess and more about attention. If you expect to be thanked for an action it no longer is purely unselfish.
Sooo… your “moderation” is about staying loyal to internal integrity… or to improve other’s perception of you?
Sorry your tummy growled this afternoon over some misappropriated pie. I hope you don’t lose faith in humanity every time you miss a meal.
I’m confused. There was a pie in the dessert rack that you hadn’t bought yet. You decided to get your food before going to get the pie. In the meantime, someone else got the pie.
Am I understanding the situation right? If so, how on earth is that theft?
I think it was a whole, large pie - as in enough for several people, and it was as-yet untouched when the OP saw it. She went to get other food, and in that small space of time the whole pie was gone. Possibly there weren’t enough people there to have possibly all taken a piece of pie in the time the OP wasn’t looking, but she didn’t expand on that part. But that’s my understanding of it.
Perhaps. But then my thought would be why put a private pie on the dessert rack?
I’m not really of the opinion that this was theft, greediness yes, but not theft as such. I was just adding my understanding of the OP, because there seems to be some confusion over whether it was a small (personal) pie, or a larger, communal pie. If it was a small pie, no reason for the OP to complain and this is a lame pitting. First in, best dressed and all that rot. But if it was a larger pie (and not someone’s private pie for friends), and there weren’t many people there but somehow the whole pie went missing, then I can see the OP being justified in getting pissed at someone being a great big piggy (but it still is kind of a lame pitting, coz people are pigs and that’s all there is to it).
I don’t know how the OP’s cafeteria works, but in my dorm cafeteria it was one price, all you can eat - you weren’t paying for specific food items, so nothing was “reserved,” and students were expected to take only one serving at a time (though going up for seconds was perfectly fair). Taking a whole pie at once would have been the height of rudeness.
We paid at ours, and certain items (salad bar, scooped/soft serve ice cream) were even weighed and charged by the ounce. Then again, I was also used to seeing desserts dished up as separate pieces on individual plates, rather than (apparently) in a pie tin.
I interpreted the pie incident as Eva Luna did, and if this is the correct interpretation, it was indeed a pittable offense. Probably. But without seeing who took the pie, and why, we’ll never know for sure. Maybe a whole pie’s worth of people just got to it before Spongess.
However, the conclusion drawn from the incident is flawed:
If you leave your wallet (or pie, or whatever) in a room with 99 decent, honest people and 1 dishonest, thieving bastard, you can kiss it goodbye. Human beings en masse can’t be trusted, but most individual human beings can.
Could somebody have grabbed the pie for their table? I remember going to our all you can eat cafeteria with a group of friends and while our cafeteria used to put out dessert in individual portions, between five of us, a pie wouldn’t have been unthinkable.
Well, yeah. Integrity is for chumps. Given that there is no God (after all, in a world with a God there would be no pie and pizza theft. Stealing pizza especially would cause a plague of locusts or something), why bother being ethical? It isn’t as if being ethical pays off in this life (unless you like being the guy without the pie). Clearly this incident should serve as a wake up call to all of us to grab the pie first.
Oh, sure, we can pretend to be all noble and shit but really that is just so that we can get laid. The moment that no one is looking, the gloves need to come off. Anyway, I would post more but I have some Evil that I need to go do.
I’m wondering why the cafeteria put out a whole pie instead of individual slices on plates, which is how I’ve usually seen it done in cafeterias. Having people slice their own pie piece is going to be messy and slow up the line.
I’m sorry. When I was in college, if they put out a whole angel food cake I would always grab the whole thing and then share it with my dorm-mates. I now realize that I acted inappropriately. I am humbled and ashamed. If I could go back in time I would stilll take the whole cake, but would leave a few slices behind.
The pizza thing is completely beyond the pale. I would never take an obviously privately owned pizza from a kitchen countertop and if someone took mine I would be pissed.
Sorry about the unclarity, it was late and I was annoyed.
The way my cafeteria works, you only pay to get in the doors, after that you can take as much as you want. There isn’t a line but separate islands so that people can wander about to their hearts’ delight. The dessert area includes counter space upon which various desserts are laid out, open for anyone to take stuff. There is a rack beside it so that the counter can be restocked when it runs low. So, pie goes from rack to counter, the plastic cover is removed, and then people can come up and get a (pre-sliced) piece. On that day there were several different varieties of pie available, but chocolate creme is a rarity and in high demand. Since I didn’t show up in the first five minutes, I was happy to have seen the pie on the rack at all. Only to have my hopes crushed. And I did look around at the tables to see if anyone had taken it, but no luck–somebody had grabbed it and walked out. The pie was a luxury item, it only shows up maybe once a month, and everyone should have gotten at least a chance at a piece of it.
Now, as to those who are insinuating…whatever they’re insinuating, I was and am upset because by damn I’m an optimist, and hope that everyone would have the same standards as I do. It’s disappointing when it becomes glaringly obvious that this is not true, and so I get disappointed over and over again. It hits especially close to home when people fuck around with other people’s food, be it a pie or $10,000 worth of bananas. As they say, the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.