Mountain Dew Pitch Black

Try Diet Rite White Grape.

I’m just waiting for them to introduce “Code Brown.”


Kohl’s on Park Street. They had 12-packs of cans for $3 and 20oz bottles for 79 cents.

It’s called Live Wire, not Code Orange.

I think it’s nasty, and I like grape soda and Live Wire. It tastes like liquid grape Big League Chew. Blech.

Don’t look now but you’ve been whooshed.

I tried this recently, and I had three sips and threw the rest of it out. Yuck.

Jack Black? I think I’d choose disembowelment over seeing him naked. Ugh!

Pffffffffffft, you’re silly. Jack Black is ADORABLE.

AT any rate, I’ve not yet tried the Pitch Black. But I tried some sort of bright blue dew the other day, something voltage? I can’t remember the name.

BLECH!! It tasted like carbonated Nyquil. Ditto for Livewire, YUCKO.

But I do like Code Red and regular Dew (well actually, I like the diet versions), so I will at least try Pitch Black.

I love grape-flavored stuff, so I will probably try some of this. Code Red is delicious. Imagine my joy at discovering a restaurant (fast food, anyway) that has it in their fountain. Bliss.

Nice timing. This very evening, for the first time, I saw MDPB in the 'fridge of the corner convenience store and had to try it.

My first impressions were not good.

I don’t know what it is, I generally like grape soda, but this was bad, bad news. The flavor seemed to be particularly … how you say… “foul”.

I wanted to like it… the concept of a “Pitch Black” Mountain Dew seemed so, well, completely friggin’ awesome and extreme to the max… and I am a certified MD junkie… but …



I was at my local QuikTrip this morning and saw a guy outside trying a Pitch Black.

He took one drink, got a disgusted look on his face, put the cap on and pitched it in the trash. That was enough for me! I went w a Live Wire instead- I LOVES the Live Wire!

<mini-rant/hijack>I got Live Wire in a 20 ounce bottle instead of my usual 44 ounce Cherry Coke because they f&*king replaced the Cherry Coke with ‘Diet Coke w LIME.’ WTF? This sudden disruption of my morning routine was a crummy way to start my day. </mini-rant/hijack>

This thread has reminded me of a horrible Mountain Dew related incident. I was with my father leaving their place and he noticed a Dew bottle by the side of the road. Being litter-conscious as well as thrifty, he told me to get it and put it in the back with the recyclables and other bottles we were taking to redeem. So, I got out and grabbed it. It was about half full of a brown liquid and as I sniffed it, I started to heave. It was somebody’s chew-spit bottle.

My dad still laughs when he remembers and I still gag at the thought. I don’t think I could drink anything dark in a Dew bottle.

:eek: Why the Hell did you sniff it?! If I find a bottle of something on the side of the road, my first instinct is to avoid letting it contact my in any way, including assalting my senses. Looking at it is usually bad enough, I want nothing to do with touching, smelling, or tasting it. And if I happen to hear it…while it’s in the bottle not doing anything…that’s probasbly a bad sign, the soda has strarted to evolve.
Anyways, I tried it. Unimpressed, and I usually love grade soda.

And as far as Livewire is concerned…you people do realize what it is, right? Pepsi found a large warehouse FULL of expired Slice. It didn’t taste like Slice anymore, so they put some caffine in it and called it Moutain Dew Livewire. That’s why it was originally only available for one summer, they didn’t have enough to sell longer than that. Of course, after it sold so well, they started putting cases and cases of slice next to the heater on purpse, as to make more Livewire. Once they stocked up enough of it, they could start selling it again.

I dunno, I suppose for the same reason people sniff jugs of milk that they think have gone bad?

My buddy and I tried this. Our consensus: “It really needs alcohol.”

Seriously. To our taste buds, it’d make a pretty good mixer. It’s a decent soda, easily on the same level, taste-wise, as regular Toxic Green Death Dew. Better than Code Red, not as good as Livewire.

Wouldn’t be suprised… but I gotsta have some sort of cite for this one…

Ew. Ew, ew, ew. My nephew, who was the proud recipient of a 10 pack of Pitch Black says it tastes like fruit snacks. I love MD, I love Live Wire. Code Red, not so much. Has anyone else tried Mountain Dew Baja (or whatever) that they have exclusively at Taco Bell? At first I thought maybe they’d mixed in some of their baja sauce from the gordita, but it’s much, much worse. It’s lime, IIRC. I haven’t tried it yet. I absolutely refuse.

Mountain Dew Baja Blast was pretty good, though I only had it in Taco Bell when I was visiting America. I still prefer Code Red and Live Wire.

All this talk about Mountain Dew makes me miss America.

I bought some based on the recommendation in this thread - it may be the most vile tasting soda I’ve had in years. I love grape soda…I have no idea what that flavor is, but it certainly is not “grape” nor even “artificial grape flavor.” It’s something else, something awful with a nasty aftertaste.

Never, never again.

I had my first taste of it yesterday. It was OK. I’d drink it again but I wouldn’t go out of my way for it. It seemed pretty sweet. I thought it was a mix of lemon and grape, not a straight grape soda.