Mouse settings on my laptop

I just got a new Avaratec 2300 model laptop. It’s awesome and just what I needed and the best $850 I’ve spent in a long time.

My only problem is the mouse. It’s a touch pad (Synaptics Touchpad v5.1), which is fine, but it does that double tap = double click thing. So, instead of using the buttons to double click on an icon, I can just tap the pad twice with my finger tip. I guess I’m just heavy handed, and I end up initiating this feature when I don’t want to. It gets really annoying to re-maximize windows, or hit the back button, or undo whatever it is I did.

I know that this feature can be turned off. I’ve turned it off on other computers. But damned if I can find where this feature lives on this new laptop. There’s no mention of it in the mouse settings in the control pannel.

The computer saavy husband and I are out of ideas. Anyone know if this feature is no longer an option on new laptops? Or is there another place where the settings might live?

Personally I find that increadably useful and hate when someone deactivates it, but if you must, there should be a synaptics touchpad icon in the icontray, where you can right click or left click it to bring up the menu to deactivate it.

Oh wow, that totally worked. Of course, I had to go into the control panel to enable the little taskbar icon in the first place. But once I had that, there was the option. Awesome. Thanks!