Mouse trap - Is this a mouse or small rat

I live in the sticks, and pretty much can’t stop the mice from entering the basement or garage.

Usually they are lighter in color and smaller than this one.

Is this a darker colored mouse or small rat?

Is there supposed to be a link to a picture?

Where the heck do you add attachments.

Anyway, here is a link.


Hard to tell with the head all squooshed but it looks like a black rat to me.

The terms “mouse” and “rat” are not scientific terms – generally any smallish rodent is called a mouse by laymen and larger ones are called rats. However most rodents you encounter in your house belong to three species, Norway rats, black rats or house mice. Both kinds of rats are much larger than house mice, but you may have a juvenile rat. You may want to check these links:


Looks like a juvenile rat to me.

That’s a snap trap … Trapious snapi … indigenous to North America but have been naturalized world wide (except Antarctica). You’ve caught a sexually mature specimen and it may have some historical value. Don’t try to clean it yourself but have a professional conservator do the work.

But seriously … we’ll need to know where this rodent was caught to even begin trying to identify it.

Doesn’t look like any mouse I’ve ever caught in a snap trap, and I’ve caught many.

That looks like a vole. The shorter tail, the size between a rat and mouse. They are more like mice (dimwitted) than rats (smart). They don’t usually get into houses. If you live near fields, that’s where it came from.

I’m in Southern New England. Here’s another pic.


Well, I’ll be; a rodent with a quarter!

ETA, Google image search “vole”, sure looks like one

Yeah, after Googling, it does look like a vole.

I agree it’s a vole. House Mice and Norway and Black Rats all have larger ears and longer tails.

TPTB haven’t enabled attachments on the Dope. Links are the way to go.

Woodland vole, Microtus pinetorum, common, bummer OP/username combo …

I agree that it’s a vole. My cat often kills them outdoors, but I’ve never seen one in the house. They are common in southern New England. They can kill young trees by eating the roots, and probably support arthropod pests (fleas, ticks) but are otherwise pretty harmless.

Not harmless at all, they ate my sugar snap pea seedlings down to the ground. Vermin.

It being a cute lovable vole, rather than a pestilential rat or mouse, are you planning to attempt CPR?