It’s a known bug that spoiler tags do not function in mouseover previews of the first post of a thread, but having never subscribed to a SDMB thread I was not aware of this second problem. As this is obviously unintuitive - the whole point of spoiler tags is so you don’t have to worry about this - would the admins mind fixing this problem for those who are bothered by it?
We cannot keep the email notifications from showing spoilers – it prints as plaintext so what it sees is what it sees. It just skips over all that pesky coding.
I’m sorry there’s not a fix for this.
I guess if you really don’t want to know you need to not get email notifications.
Perhaps people who feel inclined to post spoilers right at the top of their post should refrain from doing so, and include a paragraph or two of etaoin shrdlu first? Or maybe lorem ipsum; I’m easy.
When that happens, and it does, report the post and explain the problem, and a mod will be happy to add a bunch of period-returns to move the spoiler box out of mouse view.