To be found here. The regular one took a while for me to get and this one similarly says 5 to 7 weeks, but I think it was (and is) worth it.
To be found here. The regular one took a while for me to get and this one similarly says 5 to 7 weeks, but I think it was (and is) worth it.
Yeah, they want my phone number. I have enough people calling me that aren’t welcome to do so. I don’t need another group. I’ll have to pass.
I got the email but the website seems to be down or something.
In six months they have yet to call me, although I do get some interesting email. It’s pretty risk free–and if you’re all that paranoid, make a number up!
On edit–that site does look to be down and flapping, try this one.
So, how long before the “OH NO YOU DIDN’T!” response stickers come out?
Their server seems to be jammed and it took a while, but my order did go through.
Five stickers for three bucks. Not bad.
I was going to do the $3 donation for five stickers, then tossed on an extra five bucks. I figure a lot of people are doing the free ones only, after all, and it’d be nice for them to raise some money off of this. There are a lot of good fights that still need to be fought.
Keep trying if you get a server error message. And they’ve never called me; just emails (which I like getting).
When I first saw this thread this morning I assumed MoveOn was giving away stickers (which, they are–1 apiece), but having gone back to take another look, I see they’re wanting donations. When it comes to causes, solicitations and charities, please remember to ask permission first: