Movie Actors You Can't Stand

The Bruce Willis patented smirk turns my stomach. I did think he was good in The Sixth Sense, but he had toned down the smirk for that role.

I usually don’t go out of the way to diss actors; my friend seems to hate about half of Hollywood (part of that is politics-related, while I can enjoy a Mel movie without worrying about him being a racist rightwing asshat). But, aside from the B comedy movie crowd everyone loves to hate (Stiller, Ferrell, and Sandler et al.), one does make me almost ill: Kirsten Dunst. From her horribly mannered and stiff mannequin-like “acting” style to the fact the she just doesn’t have the looks of an A list actress, when her big moony face shows up on screen I reach for my barf bag. That I can still enjoy the Spiderman movies is probably a testament to Tobey Maguire’s acting ability more than anything else.

I have always thought Kirsten Dunst was absolutely gorgeous. I’m always baffled by people who put down her looks - but I guess it really is all a matter of taste.

I want to like George Clooney, every time I see him on a talk show he’s funny and quirky and I think I’d like to hang out with that guy. But whenever he does a movie he has to do that thing where he looks down and then looks up again with just his eyes, he usually cocks his head a little. I think that he thinks it makes him look cute but it’s annoying.
I cannot stand Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell and Tom Cruise. Juliette Lewis would make me want to stab knitting needles into my ears so I don’t have to listen to her.

David Caruso-Damn!, I hate that guy.

Julia Roberts- Agree with Shawn1767, it’s that obnoxious laugh!

Nobody has mentioned Christine Baranski??? I always want to reach out and fix her face, or at least cover it with something.

And yeah, I forgot to mention Sylvester Stallone.

Amen - There is not a less talented actor on the planet than Adam Sandler.

Also, Pauly Shore.

But she was SO hot in Young Frankenstein :smiley:

Matt Dillon. Not for acting; he just gives off that “you’d hate me if you met me in real life” vibe.

Harrison Ford.

Couldn’t act his way out of a paper sack if his life depended on it…he’s
so one-dimensional he plays the same character in every film.

The stipulation was “actors”. I think you’ve crossed the line.

Thank you God, for this 37th opportunity to diss the anti-actor that is:

Nicole Kidman!!!

and Bill Paxton :slight_smile:

So many shitty actors to choose from, and I think all of mine are on this list:

Kevin Costner has all the range of a piece of cardbaord, and half the personality

Jim Carrey. Shudder.

Keanu Reeves. See Kevin Costner. (And no, The Matrix didn’t improve my opinion of him.

Hugh Grant…what a fuckdustingwanksponge this twat is, deserves a very hard slapping, often.

Nicolas Cage…another ass wiping turd burglar who has about as much talent as a colonic irrigation

Julia Roberts…shut your mouth fergawdsake woman, you sound like a mule having an orgasm

There is something very disturbing about Woody Harrelson that sets off my serial killer radar every time I see him. If a SWAT team were to find half a dozen severed heads in his fridge tomorrow, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

Julia Roberts turns my stomach, too. I have yet to hear anything from her or about her that doesn’t make her out to be an absolutely repulsive human being.

Ditto Michael Crichton, although he doesn’t act.

Geoffrey Rush. “Look, Mum! I’m Acting!” The same bloody over-the-top ham in every movie he’s in: he’s doubly annoying when he deliberately plays an over-the-top character like Captain Barbosa or Casanova Frankenstein to indulgently send himself up, because he’s still exactly the bloody same. Plus he looks like he sticks lollies up his bum and then hangs around school playgrounds to give them to small children.

I feel like I’m coming out here, and expect to be flamed immediately, but here goes:

Al Pacino. I hate him. He hasn’t “acted” since the 70’s. He just does his same stupid shtick for every movie and people just lap it up. He stinks.
re Pacino: Same only louder.

Agreed, with some films. But Glengarry Glen Ross? Really?

Peter Gallagher - can’t stand looking at him, listening to him, anything. Kills anything he is in.

I agree. However, in American Beauty he and Annette Benning (Who I like) managed to make the equally dislikeable Kevin Spacey’s character a sympathetic one. Well, almost.

I can’t stand either of those guys.