Movie Actors You Can't Stand

I wish I could take the credit, but Futurama deserves it.

And that half-asleep look doesn’t help one bit.

I feel like I’m coming out here, and expect to be flamed immediately, but here goes:

Al Pacino. I hate him. He hasn’t “acted” since the 70’s. He just does his same stupid shtick for every movie and people just lap it up. He stinks.

There, I said it.

Also, Kevin Costner is perhaps the world’s most boring actor on the planet. I refuse to see any more of his movies.

Andie MacDowell. Good lord I hate that woman. I couldn’t even tell you why.

None for me, but my wife hates Teri Garr. In fact, I was watching the ST episode she was on, when she was very young, and my wife started in on how obnoxious the character was. I didn’t even remember it was her until the end of the episode.

I can’t get by Naomi Judd. At least she hasn’t been in much lately.

Not a Dunst fan.

Not a Sandler fan. He’s pretty much the only stupid comic I DON’T like (Carrey, Martin, Carrell, Ferrell – you name it, I like it). But, I also disliked Sandler in Spanglish and Punch Drunk Love. In those roles, I just wish they’d gotten real actors.

But you’d still do her, right?

Dermot Mulroney. I don’t even remember what I’ve seen him in, but I think they were romantic comedies where we’re supposed to like him, and I just found him smarmy and unpleasant.

Naturally, chicks dig him.

I forgot one of the ones I dislike the most: Jim Carrey.

Tom Cruise—IMO his only good role was in “Legend” and I only watched the movie a zillion times for Lily’s dresses and Tim Curry (who I love immensely) and the Lustiano stallions who played the unicorns. Well, I take it back. He was okay in “The Last Samurai” but everyone else was better. Plus there were lots of horses in it.

Sylvester Stallone. I tried to watch “Rocky.” I really tried. Meh.

Leonardo Dicaprio. As if his acting shortcomings were not enough, I can’t bear to look at his grotesquely enlarged skull.

Usually hate Michael Douglas – but loved him in Wonder Boys.

Usually hate Tom Hanks - but loved him in Private Ryan.

David Spade is just too eww for words. Don’t know if he’s been in any movies, though.

Juliette Lewis is a miserable waste of air.

I forgot to mention that I have an intense hatred of Martin Mull. When I was little, after having seen Mr. Mom I had a dream that my mom left my dad for the Martin Mull character in that movie.

Devastated my little brain.

I thought that was Fat Tony from the Simpsons: “I don’t get mad. I get stabby.”

I kinda agree with the Dunst bandwagon. I just watched Spiderman 3 and found myself thinking it’s too bad they cast her in the first movie and were stuck having to put her in the next two.

And for some reason I don’t like Meryl Streep either. It’s not that I don’t like her acting or anything in particular. I just can’t stand her big stupid face.

And Ghanima, I totally agree about Al Pacino. It’s like he parodying himself (except in Insomnia, which was a great movie and had great acting on his part). Also, Scarface was kinda stupid.

You should try The Emperor’s New Groove; he’s a lot more appealing in a voiceover role.

Julia Roberts. Especially in that movie where she cries. I think it’s the same movie where she does that little annoying “cutesy” laugh. Oh wait, that’s every movie she’s in… god she’s annoying.

David Spade. Good one. I’d forgotten to list him.

Plus she gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Man, lot of good actors mentioned so far, and some great ones. Makes me want to watch their movies.

I got one: Richard Burton. I think the problem there is that he had a big personality that came through in every role whether it was appropriate for the part or not. I’ve never seen one of his movies, gotten into it, and forgotten I was watching Richard Burton instead of a character. (Even in movies where he’s technically flawless, like Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)