Movie Trailer Parodies!

My favorite is “The Udders”.

darn. I thought we were going to make up our own and type them out here. :frowning:

Go ahead. I’m not cleaver enough to come up with my own, so I stole somebody else’s. :slight_smile:

Inspired by

From the producer of “Daredevil”…

Dr. Seuss’ Hop On Pop

Starring, co-starring, and also starring Albert “Finding Nemo” Brooks

Earl Dittman raves: “…the special effects are fantastic!”

If you liked Lord of the Rings, you’ll love Dr. Seuss’ Hop on Pop!

See Keanu Reeves in a role that will surprise you in the number one Dr. Seuss adaptation of the month of July, 2004!

Rex Reed says “…this movie will make you get up and cheer!”