Movies in the park

A local group is having movies in the park. They pay royalties for public performance, and anyone who shows up gets to watch free. My g/f and I attempted to see Bringing Up Baby last week, but the screen blew down before the sun set and they postponed it. Last night we saw The Treasure Of Sierra Madre. People brought picnic meals and beach chairs, and the little ones had sleeping bags. We’d already eaten, but we may eat at the park next time.

My g/f didn’t particularly like the film. The truth be told, it’s not one of my favourites; but I still like it. It was nice to sit on the grass (actually, my Thermalounger, which is getting close to 20 years old and is still going strong, while my g/f sat in her beach chair with her feet on her straw beach mat. Though she didn’t particularly care for the film, she liked seeing a movie in the park.

Next week is From Here To Eternity, followed by Forbidden Planet and the postponed Bringing Up Baby.


Where I used to live, in Ann Arbor, they have a series of summer movies that are projected onto the side of a large parking garage (so, no need for a screen), punnishly named “Top of the Park”. They also have music and performances, and the vast majority of events are free (I think you have to pay to see the Capitol Steps on July 4th). Its really fun. All the local restaurants set up stands, there’s an adults-only beer tent, and movies run from ol’ classics to cult films to relatively recent popular films that have finished their regular run. Generally all the films are comedies or lighthearted fare of the PG variety-- Top Gun was among the more “serious/edgy” of the films I have seen there, to give an idea.

I miss it!