Movies or TV shows you only quote one line from

“We don’t need no stinking badges”

Only, replace badges with whatever noun that has to do with the moment.

Homer Simpson once said “He did it cause he’s stupid. That’s the only reason anybody does anything.”

I’ve used that line about a million times, and could not agree with it more.

My favorite Homer quote is: “Trying sounds like the first step towards failure.”

Which does have sort of a Yoda-ish truth to it. But coming from Homer, you know it’s just an excuse to be lazy.,

‘You know what $4 buys these days? It don’t even buy $3’ - Tony’s dad mocks his pay rise in Saturday Night Fever.

A line from MASH. When asking for a favor someone said to Hawkeye it was the least he could do. To which Hawkeye replied, “Never let it be said Hawkeye Pierce didn’t do the least he could do.” I’ve used that line many times.

There’s a more famous line from that movie, I think.

Me, I have absorbed…

“Man’s got to know his limitations.”

“I am shocked, shocked I tell you.”

“Pretty slick, Slick!”

“I am surROUNDed by idiots.”

And, from another medium:


Just remembered the line I use more than any other. From Steie in Family Guy. You hear some person singing a song. You ask them “Who sings that?.” They tell you the artists name, then I reply, “Why don’t we leave it that way?”

“Say hello to my little friend” is the one line from Scarface that even people who never saw the movie quote.

Homer Simpson: “To alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of lifes problems.”

“Not this year.”

Same franchise, different film. But, yeah. That’s a good one. Right up there with,

*“Can I say something?”


“Your mouthwash ain’t cuttin’ it.”

Right, I know. Almost no one remembers the “catch phrase” from the second movie, even fewer than remember the one from the third in the series. :rolleyes:

*“Monk… we can hear you.”

Used that one just the other day. One of my favorite trope-smashing moments on TV. (Monk walks about ten feet from the police captain with his aide and is discussing their next secret move. In most shows, the other actors believably respect the cone of silence that all of ten or fifteen feet gives. in this case, the captain breaks in with the above, managing not to add, “…like, duh.”)

  • “Book 'em, Dano.” Hawaii Five-O

We use this one around the house alot, as we have several pets:

  • “You can smell it.” Eddie Murphy, Delirious

“I can smell you.” - in a cultured Mauve Decade accent

(Points for the source on that one.)

Rocky Horror Picture Show: “Nothing. Why, do you think I should?”

Change “Nothing” to “No” or appropriate negative as needed…

“Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?”

From Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, of course. The response is usually a confused stare.[sup]*[/sup] That movie has some other great lines, but since no one even recognizes the dynamite line, none of the others ever come up in conversation.

  • When Sundance says that to Butch, Butch doesn’t reply. Maybe that’s what’s wrong, the line does not have a famous reply, so even if people recognize it there’s no good way for them to show it.

EVERYTHING ends badly, or else it wouldn’t end.

This is the one we use all the time. Whenever I or my wife have some unidentified malady, the other will suggest “Maybe it’s a tumor” to set up the line.

I never even saw the movie; but that line figured prominently in the ads for it. Plus, who doesn’t like to pull out their Schwartzenegger impression when the opportunity presents itself?

“Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!”
-Blue Velvet. As true now as it was then.

There are some choice quotes like when he is asking the kids “WHO IS YOUR DADDY AND WHAT DOES HE DO?” “Our mom says our dad is a real sex machine”

How about movies/TV you quote only one word from?

“Eskimo.”–the priest guy, Heathers.
“Everyone.”–*Norman *Stansfield, Leon.
“No.”–Annakin Skywalker, Revenge of the Sith.