Movies or TV shows you only quote one line from

The actual quote is “What we’ve got here, is failure to communicate.”

The actual quote from Treasure of the Sierra Madre is “Badges? We ain’t got no badges. We don’t need no badges. I don’t have to show you any stinking badges.” The quote you used is actually spoken in Blazing Saddles.

My quote is from The Paul Lynde Show in response the questions “How’s the rat race?” “The rats are winning.”

I prefer “DO NOT WANT!

These are a special category, along with “Luke, I am your father”* or “play it again, Sam”**

*“No, I am your father”, though I’d hope most people know more than one ESB quote
**“Play it once, Sam. For old times’ sake.” and a few other lines

“I could crush your head…like a nut…but I won’t…because I need you!”

  • Max von Sydow, “Strange Brew”

Norm in Cheers!

“Women! Can’t live with 'em … pass the Beer Nuts, Woody!”

I’ve used a bunch of the ones already mentioned. Today I used one when looking at the proposed additional load to put on a computer system:

Jaws: You’re going to need a bigger boat.

One I wish I didn’t have so many reasons to use:

Predator: I ain’t got time to bleed.

Oh, get real.

I quote multiple lines from “Strange Brew” EVERY DAY.

“I gotta take a leak so bad I can TASTE it!”

“If I didn’t have puke breath, I’d kiss you.”

“Let ME try. I’m a genius.”

From The Magnificent Seven: Eli Wallach as the bandit Calvera, explaining his philosophy of plundering the poor villagers:

“If God had not wanted them to be shorn, He would not have made them sheep.”

This is fairly hard for me. Sure, the examples of “stinkin’ badges” and “little friend” are memorable. But I don’t quote them (except for pun and such purposes).

If I like the movie/TV show enough to quote it, I’ll remember several lines.

The best I can do is where I say my favorite line from a movie far, far more often than the others. From Searching for Bobby Fischer:

“Ooh, that was a mistake.”

(Remember to say this with a Ben Kingsley accent.)

For TV, it’s Community and Abed’s “Cool, cool, cool, cool.” (But 3 "cool"s will do if I’m in a rush.)

If I say “Yeehaw!” am I quoting Dr. Strangelove?

What about “And don’t call me Shirley.”? Whenever anyone says something beginning with “Surely,” I use that line. And they laugh.

What’s odd is about half of them have no clue where it comes from

It is an old joke, but I doubt many people using it have any source for it but the movie or people quoting the movie.

If anyone cares, this was from Tom Cruise’s “Cocktail.” And I use the line a lot in a sports context.

When a great athlete gets old and goes downhill fast, I remember that line. We always wish great sports careers wouldn’t end horribly. But they usually do.

I knew it - recognized the line as soon as I read it. There’s some great dialogue from “Doug Coglin” in that movie too -

“Bury the dead - they stink up the joint.”

Lethal Weapon Two" “Because you’re blick!”

Cherry 2000: “Can I get you a Pepsi, Honey?”

That’s the only line you quote from that movie? It’s only one of the most quotable movies ever.

“Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”
“Roger, Roger.”
“I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.”
“There’s a sale at Penney’s!”
“I speak jive.”

And on and on…

“Hold it between your knees.” Jack Nicholson in Five Easy Pieces

My wife, I, and even my five-year-old son say “Tight! Tight! Tight!” at least once a week --say, when trying to open a jar of peanut butter.

It was Tuco’s reaction to trying out the blue meth in Breaking Bad.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding
“She fixed it!”
It’s a throwaway line in the background after the inlaws befuddle them with a Bundt cake. They “fix” the hole in the cake by sticking a potted plant in the middle.

I don’t know why but it’s the funniest line in the movie. We use it all the time when we actually fix something or when we’re ridiculously proud of something trivial.

A Christmas Story
“I’m not colorblind either”
All purpose line when one of us is annoyed at the other for being stubborn or patronizing.


But then you have to shout: " I have flames on my car!"

I’ve adopted a line from the 1990s TV show, Herman’s Head. The main characters all work in the fact-checking department at a publisher, and the department head is Paul Bracken, a man with a mind like a steel trap. To any trivial, obscure question somebody asks, he instantly has the correct answer. This is always followed by, “Wow! How did you know that?!” And he would always answer:

“I’m Bracken. I know everything!”

My mind works in a similar manner and I also have a tendency to know unexpected facts, so I like to use the line, substituting my own last name.

It’s actually my second-favorite line from the show, but my favorite line has rather limited use. There was a scene when one of the female leads asked Herman, “Herman, do you think my skirt is too tight?” And Herman replied:

“Not if you’ve been shot in the ass and you’re trying to stop the bleeding.”