Movies that are me

We all have them, movies that for some personal reason are special to you for some reason that has nothing to do with what is on screen. I’m not talking about movies that only you are smart enough to “get”. I mean movies that you know are flawed but are still great…to you.

Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle I watched this (for free) in a military theater while on deployment. No need to tell me what is wrong with it. Seeing a movie about New Jersey made it special to me although what they got wrong was infuriating.

Fandango. Watching this again, I still think it is a good movie. At the time I first saw it the combination of good friends and the right amount of intoxication made it special.

Field of Dreams. Damn, two Costner movies. This came out in 1989, the year my father died. If you saw the movie no other explaination is needed.

What are yours?

I think that Gangs of New York is damn near the most entertaining thing ever put on a movie screen.

I can’t really argue with any criticism I’ve heard levelled against it, and I don’t give a shit.

The Life Aquatic It got bad-ish reviews and no one likes it as much as the other Anderson movies but I Love love love it

But is there a reason why it is special to you other than the critics are stupid and you are smart? That’s kind of the point of the thread, movies that are more enjoyable to you alone because of something that is not on the screen.

Mmm… guilty pleasures.

Austin Powers: Goldmember.

My friends and I must have quoted this movie for about 2 years. It finally died down, but a few one-liners surface occasionally. It didn’t have the best plot, but I still watch it from time to time for old time’s sake.

I adore this movie. What annoys me: Why the hell are they going to a White Castle in New Brunswick from Hoboken when there’s one right on 17 in Carlstadt??? Drives me crazy.

I don’t care how bad my personal trifecta of favorite comfort movies are. Hysterical, Strange Brew, and Midnight Madness will always remind me of sneaking downstairs after Mom and Dad were in bed and falling asleep on the couch watching HBO with my brother.

And why go all the way to Cherry Hill when they find that the one in New Brunswick is closed? How about the one on RT 22 in Green Brook or the one in South Plainfield? Probably more close ones that I can’t think of right now.

I have had it declared that my mental coapacities are half of what would be normal (you have to have half a brain to enjoy…) by saying I love the movie Anchorman. It is special because it is a movie me and my fiance both love beyond reason and we can quote it to each other all the time and crack each other up.

But many many many people loathe the movie and loathe Wil Ferrel.

I have had it declared that my mental capacities are half of what would be normal (you have to have half a brain to enjoy…) by saying I love the movie Anchorman. It is special because it is a movie me and my fiance both love beyond reason and we can quote it to each other all the time and crack each other up.

But many many many people loathe the movie and loathe Wil Ferrel.

Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick

Just great character sketches.

Because it’s a hero’s quest, man. It can’t be easy.

I guess this thread isn’t going anywhere but that isn’t what I was thinking about. I have plenty of guilty pleasures. Probably too many. I thinking more along the lines of the movie you know sucks (or is so-so to everyone else)but you love it because it is the first movie you saw with your wife. Or the last one you saw with your father. Or the stars aligned just the right way the night you saw it to make you love the movie. That sort of thing.

One of my favorite funny movies is Murder, He Says, starring the incomparable Fred MacMurray. Hardly anyone has ever heard of it. To me, it’s one of the greatest screwball comedies ever.

I think I understand what you’re after. I was a big fan of Gremlins in high school, and convinced my college friends to go see Gremlins 2 when it was in theaters. They never forgave me for that (it’s an awful movie), but whenever I see references to Gremlins, I think of my college friends – in the four years that group was close, Gremlins 2 was one of the only movies that entire group saw together.

Maybe this is more along the lines you meant;

Batman and Robin. Just about the worst piece of garbage ever! However I went to see this by myself, because I had the day off and could see it for like $4.75. More importantly, it was the first time I had ever been moved to yell and heckle openly, let alone by myself! I remember telling every one I knew this was the rottenest movie ever! So much so, that I went back twice with friends to vent some more. To this day if it is on TV, I still end up mezmerized by it’s shittiness, so much so that I keep watching and heckle the screen. Much to the dissmay of my SO.

Plan Nine from Outer Space. OK, it is enjoyable because it’s so bad, but it became a Halloween tradition in our family when my daughter was growing up.

I like Gremlins 2!!

Biggles (1986)
Drop Dead Fred

No particular reason for either. I just love 'em. :slight_smile:

Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. Not the sort of movie I normally like, but I was in an odd sort of mood one day many years ago, really wanted to go see a movie, and that was about the only thing playing that I thought wouldn’t depress me. I laughed my ass off. Many years later, when I told my then-fiancee that I thought it was great, she almost called things off (not really, but she still can’t believe I liked it). To this day, I refuse to see the movie again for fear that in my normal state, I’ll find it stupifyingly bad. I’d rather just keep the good memory of having enjoyed it.