Movies to See Before You Die

Just wondering… in y’alls opinions, what would they be? Casablanca? 2001? Goodburger?

Recently: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou.

Classic: Airplane

Go to and look at their top 250 films as rated by the members. It is a suprisingly good list. Although it changes as new members vote, the list generally has the same movies on it in some order. I printed it out and hilighted the movies I have seen and will try to watch the remainder. Casablanca (VERY high on the list) is excellent. You’ll run out and try to see all Bogey’s films.

As for me?

I recommend Shawshank Redemption, LA Confidential, Memento, The Godfather, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Wars, and Goodfellas.

The entire boxed set of “North and South.” :smiley: I don’t want to croak anytime soon, so this seems like the perfect choice. If not that, then “American Beauty”.

For a classic script and show stopping acting you need to go no futher than A man for all seasons. A film everyone should see before they leave this world.
That or Debbie Does Dallas :smiley:

Albert Brooks’s DEFENDING YOUR LIFE, of course.

Star Wars IX: Luke Gets Old.