Movies where someone brushes their teeth

Floss: The Movie

The Cooler

3 O’Clock High

How do I remember this? Because he rinses with Diet Coke. Ewwww!


Yours, Mine and Ours–the recent remake, not the Lucille Ball version, to the best of my memory

The Whole Nine Yards comes to mind.

Hellboy 2

Kingpins had a flossing scene, don’t remember if there was any brushing involved.

It takes 27 responses to mention Rain Man?

Most recently, Pineapple Express. Flossing.

Do you mean “The Truman Show”? If not, then…

The Truman Show

Better Off Dead… Just picture Lane with the Q-tips sticking out of his ears and nostrils.

The Big Easy–Ellen Barkin has thrown up from a gross murder scene and goes home with Dennis Quaid. She’s brushing and ends up smooching with him. I was glad they showed the brushing since otherwise I would have wondered about them smooching with her having recently puked.

“Let the Right One In”. Oskar and his mom have that cute tooth brushing duel.

Catholic High School Girls in Trouble, IIRC, had some topless brushin’

one of the “trailers” in Kentucky Fried Movie

Brian dePalman’s remake of Cape Fear has an extreme closeup of Nick Nolte brushing his teeth.

Ed Norton brushes his teeth in Fight Club – and wiggles a loose tooth out of his mouth and sends it down the drain.

Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid.
Liar, Liar.


Vince Vaughn/Peter LaFleur rinses with Yoohoo

In What About Bob? Richard Dreyfuss has to brush his teeth with his finger since Bob (Bill Murray) had taken his tooth brush.

The Apartment

Grease (both mimed and strongly implied)

Blow Out-the prostitute in the train station.