Movies where someone brushes their teeth

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it, but didn’t Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House start with a couple (Cary Grant, Myrna Loy) trying to use a cramped apartment bathroom sink simultaneously?

The 2008 version of Journey To The Center Of The Earth.

At least, the 3D version of it. If you’re looking at the screen at the wrong moment, you think you’re getting a faceful of Brendan Fraser’s used toothpaste. Bleagh!

If TV counts: an episode of Monk, where he and Sharona have had to pretend to be married, and are forced to kiss in front of a group of people. The next scene shows him and Sharona, in their room, with him frantically scrubbing his mouth. Sharona is saying “now that’s just INSULTING!”.

Kramer vs. Kramer

Deja Vu

Denzel Washington’s character is brushing his teeth at the water cooler.

Strip Tease

I remember reviews at the time commenting on it, the idea being that strippers have good dental hygiene.

I Love You To Death has the quick-fast I don’t have a toothbrush so I’ll just smear my teeth with toothpaste brushing at the beginning.

A nice clean flossing in Kingpin.

I’m curious now to know why neither of these films has been mentioned. I mean, you’d think, right?

Hotel Chevalier, the short that came on the DVD with The Darjeeling Limited. Natalie Portman brushes her teeth with Jason Schwartzman’s toothbrush

I am thinking that toothbrushing scenes must be very common in those movies which focus on sad characters who are uinspired and depressed. You know, they live ordinary lives and work average office jobs and perform nothing remarkable. We follow their daily routine, which of course starts with brushing their teeth in the morning.
In any case, I’m pretty certain Steve Carell brushes his teeth in Evan Almighty.

I believe Dreyfuss also brushed in “The Goodbye Girl” and “Close Encounters”


Certified true. Just watched it last weekend.

I was just gonna say that. And Close Encounters, where Dreyfus’s kids smack him with a ping-pong paddle and then take a Polaroid picture when he whirls around, growling like a rabid bear with toothpaste overflowing from his mouth.

In Little Shop of Horrors, with Steve Martin as the memorably demented dentist, is anyone actually shown brushing their teeth?

Something to Talk About has (IMS) several toothbrushing scenes.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith?

Home Alone with the face slapping scene.

There’s a “suggestive” tooth brushing scene in the Dutch film Spetters. A cop is saying he caught the protagonists breaking some law (the movie’s about a bunch of semi-pro motorcycle racers). Renée Soutendijk’s character (who’s the bikers’ agent) suggests they talk it over in her trailer. Then we cut to the cop coming out of the trailer and walking away. Then we cut inside the trailer where Soutendijk is brushing her teeth.

Dada’s Dance. I just saw it yesterday. A batshit insane gorgeous sexy Chinese girl drives some poor mook crazy while searching for her biological mother. Probably not coming to a theater near you, but worth a watch anyway.

Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang