What's with the toothbrushing scene in "Bring It On?"

Okay, this isn’t the most complex movie in the world. It wasn’t meant to be, but I can’t help but feel I’m missing something in the bathroom scene where Kirsten Dunst and the guy are brushing their teeth. Can somebody help?

[size=1]I bet the obligatory “Cause Kirsten doesn’t swallow” response appears 2 posts down.[size]

You win the award for ‘useless vb tag of the day’.

it’s like some quasi-flirty thing. ‘who can out-spit the other’. i have to look away when that scene’s on, because, ick.

I think they were just toying with ideas about intimacy. At that age, brushing your teeth together is no longer the meanless thing it would have been few years earlier, but for these characters it is not yet “morning after” familiarity.

Great ideas guys! Thanks. I lost my own bet, but Lobsang thinks I’m a winner. I’m thinking about using the last half of my last sentence as a sig. May I Lobsang?

He is testing her. He sees her as a straight-laced suburban girl and fancies himself as a worldly outsider. He spits to show he is uninhibited and rough around the edges. She spits to prove that she too has a wild side. It becomes a pissing contest (not literally, of course, though that would have been an interesting scene.)

Feel free.

Wait a minute - I thought you were asking if you could use what I said as a sig. Now that I’ve actually read what you said, it appears you are asking me if you can use what you said as a sig. Is that right? If so why do you need my permission?

Just to make sure that you’re okay with it. I would find it a bit weird if I saw “Wolfian thinks I’m quotable.” as your sig without you asking me. Thanks!