Movies with intermissions

Is there some way to research how many movies have had intermissions? I just saw part of Oliver! today and had forgotten it had an intermission.

Just off the top of my head I can remember:

My Fair Lady
Gone With the Wind
Quo Vadis
How the West Was Won
Dr. Zhivago

plus others I’m sure I’ll remember as soon as I post this thread.

2001: A Space Odyssey had an intermission in its original run.
It’s a Mad Mad mad Mad World also.

2001, and any of the early 3-camera Cinerama movies. They had to pause to change the enormous reels all at once.

ETA: 2001 wasn’t a 3-camera movie, but it had an intermission anyway.

Wikipedia lists quite a few:

The only time I can actually recall experiencing an intermission in the theater, is when we saw the TV version of Bergman’s “Fanny and Alexander”, which ran 5+ hours.

Lawrence of Arabia.

Virtually all Bollywood (Indian) films have intermissions.

ETA: Oops, I see the wiki link mentioned this

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

During my only trip abroad, in Switzerland, I went to see “Batman Returns”. Halfway through it, the movie stopped, the lights went up and everybody went out for a smoke. Even though this movie doesn’t have an intermission, I was told that this was common around there.

Now that I’m older, I wish that ALL movies had an intermission halfway through, for the needed bathroom break.

West Side Story.

I sure could have used one for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I didn’t get to see the conversation in King’s Cross until I got the DVD for Christmas.

I seem to recall The Blue Max had an intermission. Many films back about that time did, IIRC.

I clearly remember The Last Emperor having an intermission, as I didn’t know that going in and it struck me as odd. Plus, that’s got to be the most recent movie I saw in a theatre with an intermission.

Titanic had my own, beverage-inspired intermission, but the movie didn’t stop for that.

And a prologue! (of sorts). Not an actual film of a band, but a prologue.

I’ll bet several of the films with intermissions had musical prologues. I know 2001 did.

I think “Dances With Wolves” did. Did the “Godfather” movies?

“JFK”, which is also 3 hours long, did not. I remember asking the concession people about this, and decided not to get anything when they said it didn’t.

Hamlet in 1996 is one of the more recent ones to have one.

The most recent film I can remember having an intermission was Braveheart (much needed at the time too)

Tess, the Roman Polanski film with Nastassja Kinski had an intermission

Crivens! Wasn’t there over a year’s intermission between DH part 1 and part 2?

The Great Race

As does TV Tropes.