Movies you got the wrong idea about based only on their titles

Lee’s film, of course, was the first of an aborted two-part prequel series to Costa Gravas’ Z.
Ghost World didn’t have any supernatural creatures in it at all, let alone a ghost.

That’s funny. I don’t know if back in 81’ they just didn’t hype movies like they do nowdays but this 11 year-old went to the theatre not knowing one iota about Raiders of the Lost Ark.
I just remember my father coming home from work and telling the family we were all going out to see a movie that night. This from a guy who I’ve seen in a movie theatre all of maybe 4 times in my entire life.
When I questioned about it all he knew was that a guy at work said it was good and it was about archaeologists looking for the box that had the 10 commandments in it. I seriously thought it was some sort of documentary and groaned and begged to not have to go. He insisted.
And I was completely… blown…a-way!!
I couldn’t stop blabbering about it to my friends (who were as clueless as I) for days.

I actually didn’t see The Princess Bride until last year. I had always assumed it was a sappy romantic comedy.

Ha, I still remember years ago when my then-teenage brother made a point of NOT allowing me in the TV room when he had rented a video … and a few minutes later I heard his anguished lament: “Hey, I think this is a musical!”

I remember that when Raiders of the Lost Ark was announced there were some reports (faulty fan extrapolation? Intentional Studio misdirection?) that it was going to be about an archaeologist hunting for Noah’s Lost Ark.

The Color Purple. :mad: Hey, waitaminnit! All these people are brown!


Snatch is not what the movie is about.

I did the same thing! I just saw it a week ago… man, I was wrong.

I thought the Star Wars prequels would be a trio of ripping good yarns about the adventures of Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi in the Clone Wars, during the tumultous disintegration of the Galactic Republic. Instead, it was a steaming pile of crap written by an emotionally stunted monkey with special effects inferior to the original. C3PO and R2D2 should fire their agents for getting them cast in those disasters.

Was in a good mood when they were showing The Pianist. I thought, “Hey, I like classical music! Lets go see this guy.” Yeah, mood didn’t last too long.

They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?

Always just assumed it was one of many westerns from that era, and since that’s a genre I have zero interest in, always ignored it. Turns out it’s about a Depression-era dance competition, and is really good and depressing.

Whoops…double post.

Actually, I shouldn’t have said “soon found out.” I only became aware of what it was about when I read the back blurb on the paperback novelization which was released a (week or two, I can’t remember?) before the film. Based on that, I did not expect the film to interest me, but came away from the theater blown away by it.

Sir Rhosis

Fargo has a weird name. I thought it was going to be kind of a zany screwball comedy. It was hilarious–but in a dark and really clever way.

All the Pretty Horses

I thought it was a chick-flick about horse shows or something so I avoided it. Turned out to be a fairly gritty western, as I recall.

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My GF had to talk me into seeing “True Romance”, definitely didn’t sound like something I’d be interested in.

Also, “Grandma’s Boy”, not in anyway what I thought it would be like. Happened to catch it one night on Cinemax while surfing - awesomely stupid, funny movie.

Having seen both movies, I’m not sure it isn’t.

If I didn’t know, I’d never guess that the upcoming The Quantum of Solace is a James Bond picture.

Heh I thought it would be about Noah’s Ark. I had never heard of the Ark of the Covenant.

I can’t remember specific titles, but there have been a few movies that I thought were made from books with similar titles but turned out not to be.

My mom took me to see Alien when I was a wee lad, thinking it was going to be another E.T. She watched the entire movie through the slits between her fingers :slight_smile:

Well depending on how you view the ending there are ‘ghosts’ in it the buss that re-occurs throughout the film can be considered a metaphor for death. So when Enid leaves town in it she really committed suicide and boarded it for her last journey. The comic is a little more explicit that this is what is going on. It is open to debate but I think that ending makes more sense then just having her leave town.