Movies You Might Have Liked At a Different Time in Your Life

That is, movies you might have liked if you’d been older/younger, or perhaps you were really sick or in a bad mood when you saw it.

For example, I’m in the middle of “The Crow.” It’s okay…not bad, just kind of meh. But I know that had I actually seen this back in high school or even college, as a melodramatic teen, I’d have loved the angsty music, the idea of a dude wearing make up and all black, avenging the death of loved ones…all of that. Now I plan on getting through it. I just wish I’d seen it earlier on in life.

Other examples?

I think I’d have loved The Last Mimzy if I had seen it when I was a child.

The Lost Boys came out when I was in college. A friend of mine said, “If I had seen it when I was in high school, I would have thought it was the greatest movie ever made.” I agreed.

Same for Dead Poets Society.

The original Alien. The first time I watched it I think I was too young and was expecting something a little more attention-grabbing. Instead, I fell asleep during it. Whoops.

Ah! I thought of this one when I was making the thread, but in the exact opposite way. It came out when I was young, but I ended up renting it when I was in high school, and I loved it. I even created a rather embarassing thread on the Dope (back before we had Cafe Society) about how great I thought it was. Yes, I’m aware of the stupidity of youth. The thing is, I can still enjoy Lost Boys now on a different level (nostalgia, etc.) but if someone showed it to me out of the blue last year, I probably would’ve rolled my eyes through the whole thing.