I live in the country. No fenced yard. My two dogs go out whenever and run around close to the house for a while, poop etc., then come in. I don’t leave them out when I’m gone from the house. One dog is about 40 lbs, the other about 55. So I would call them medium and large-ish.
I’ve decided to move into the city. (And WRT my post on another thread, I plan to take most of my books with me.)
I plan to rent, and my preference would be a house with a fenced yard. They do well in that environment, as I had a bf in the city a while back and they had no problem being yard dogs, especially as they really want to spend most of their time in the house with me.
But yesterday I found a great apartment and it made me wonder if I could convert myself and them to Dog Walker and Walked Dogs. They adore being walked, as I used to take them to the park and just the sight of a leash, or anything leash-like (belt, purse strap) sends them into paroxysms of joy. But how does the dog walking thing work exactly? How many times per day? And I guess I have to carry those baggies and pick up their poop? I have three inside cats so Animal Poop is practically my middle name…but picking it up while it’s large and warm with my hand in the bag…yuck. Then what do I do-do with it while we finish our walk? What if they don’t poop? These are burning questions.
They have never pooped in the house even when left for 12 hours when I’m stuck at work, so they are very good that way. One dog did once when she was sick.
I probably should hold out for a house with a yard. I can and will still walk them, but it won’t be the first line of poop defense. Still…this apartment…it was everything I’m looking for otherwise …
Advice, tips, etc. wanted. Thanks.