CFCs= Chlorofluorcarbons? Those came from hairspray cans and fridges and were banned in the 80s because they depleted the ozone layer. I’ve never heard of any volcano producing them.
Volcanoes, to my laymen’s knowledge, erupt COx gases and lots of sulfur, which then causes the “nuclear winter” phenomenon (see the year without summer, after a volcano exploded.
Greenhouse effect is from carbon dioxide (and methane from too many cows, and water vapor because the ocean temp. is rising, and methan from deposits in frozen ground in Siberia and on the bottom of the sea/lakes which becomes unfrozen because the temp is rising).
So before you denounce either effect, please get straight what causes what.
And again, I repeat that “greenhousing the planet to death” can be interpreted either as:
we are making the planet uninhabitable for humans - which is supported by scientific evidence, and which I assume Cecil was referring to, esp. in the context,
we are destroying the planet itself, so that nothing can live there. This is not what I said or meant, because the planet has obviously withstood far worse.
To use the (bad) analogy of a house: If your house was nice and clean inside, but now it’s trashed and filled with dangerous waste while the heat is 110 F, you can’t really live in that house any longer without cleaning it up. That the house withstood a fire in the past isn’t really much help with this current problem for you, right?
As for your point itself: if you meant to say that Mt. Helens erupted more CO2 into the atmosphere than has been produced since the industrial revolution, that is, around 1850 - I sincerely doubt that claim, but I leave it to other dopers who have the facts about climate in English at their fingertips (we have several experts here, though they might be a bit tired of the old Anthropogenic Global Warming AGW debate again.)