MPEG question

OK, web wizards out there…I need a bit of advice.
I’m trying to learn how to let people visiting my website have access to some MPEG files I have on there. Here’s what I’ve done so far:

I went to another website that had a working MPEG link and copied their source code, substituting my information.

Uploaded my MPEG to my images directory

No dice. I think I did everything right, as it appears to be trying to play the file, but perhaps Angelfire doesn’t let you post MPEGs? anyone know?

Here’s a link to the page

If someone can look at my code and tell me what’s wrong, or offer some other advice, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

PS- I don’t think this will work, but here is a link to my actual editing page.

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

I can tell you why the img in the link didn’t work, but I can’t tell you why the link to the movie itself didn’t work. 'cause it did.

The image tag you’ve got is: IMG SRC= " alt=“still clip”

That is interpreted to mean that the src is " alt=". Which obviously it isn’t. You need to put an actual picture there instead. Something like IMG SRC=“fish.jpg” alt=“still clip” . Of course, fish.jpg would need to exist.

Just clicked the link though, and watched the little buggers swim. I’m using Netscape 4.6 on Win98.

Get outta Dodge! It worked??
Well, I’ll be!
Hey teeming millions, can you humor me and try it out? I am using IE 5 and it didn’t work for me…Thanks, Nerd!

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

I got the picture fixed, too. I guess I just wasn’t looking close enough at the code. Thanks again!

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

It’s all working for me, Zette. I’m on a Mac, and using Communicator 4.7.

Nice fish.

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