I found one pair of sunglasses; they were under the passenger seat of my Jetta. The other pair of sunglasses and the coffee mug are still AWOL.

Peace on Earth = Purity Of Essence

The maintenance man STILL hasn’t come to fix my running faucet. It’s a bit annoying, to say the least. And it’s been over a week since I reported it. Grumble grumble. Then today, the lock in my mailbox broke–it popped out! Suck.

Had my first puker in the classroom today. The poor thing started crying, she was so embarrassed. It wasn’t that messy–looked just to be water, in fact–but she did wind up going home. I gave her as much reassurance as I could before she left.

I just published my first lesson plan on the web. Whoo hoo!

I cut back our pink Jasmine vine today. Took the old wire trellis it was on off (well i cut the vines down to the roots and left it intertwined within the old trellis.Then i put the trellis back up but at half height, and out of some wire that doesnt corrode easy. I also recieved my bank statement today, and I now know the nursery where I ordered the banana plant has recieved my check, so I am waiting for it to be delivered.

‘The beginning calls for courage; the end demands care’

I FINALLY get to see my best friend tomorrow! Whoo hooo. I haven’t seen her since 5 months ago. I can’t wait!

Smile, it makes people wonder what you are thinking.
Fun with HTML (tutoral)
Give someone an F.U.

I’m feeling fat.
I shrank the one non pregnancy shirt that I could wear that would cover up the gawdawful maternity jeans elastic and I am totally depressed.
I want to hit a resale maternity store for two or three shirts for my trip, but the other part of me does not want to actually ever own a circus tent/maternity outfit again.
By the time the open swimming starts at the pool, my enthusiam and energy will have died off. :frowning:

I’ve been up since 4am and have cleaned the kitchen and scrubbed the floors. Pregnancy insomnia is no fun and now I’m ready to go back to bed which would make me a bear in two hours when I have to get up.

In the " DO I HAVE ANYTHING CHEERFUL TO REPORT’ area: My son is finally over his throat infection and allergic reaction to amoxicillin. this cancels out the above pity party.


FWIW, there’s hardly a single thing more beautiful than a pregnant woman. Even at 5 AM :wink:

Don’t worry about it. You’re gonna loose that weight, that’s for sure.


“You know how complex women are”

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

I’m really good a whistling the theme song to the Andy Griffith Show. Didn’t know there were actual words until that TV commercial began appearing recently with some of Andy Griffith’s old material. Something like, ‘‘grab your fishin’ pole and meet me at the fishin’ hole.’’ Wonder if the entire lyrics are posted anywhere. Maybe I’ll do a search sometime.

Sitting here thinking how nice it would be if I could get some of my maternity clothes to Shirley. Got some nice ones, but they’re mostly summer. Hey Shirley…JC Penney has maternity jeans, get this, made from real denim. They they even have black denims! Get some. Or you can have mine. They’re comfortable, and they look very, very nice.

I’d been teasing my husband for ages saying “you should get one of those George Clooney type haircuts, you’d look so dreamy, like one of those N’Sync kids.” So his hair is finally out of control enough so that I insist he get it cut or start grooming it into a STYLE of some sort, and guess what he comes home with! I couldn’t believe it, he was so dead set against it and he actually did it because he thought that’s what I wanted. I feel so bad because, well, he of course looks not like a Backstreet Boy, but more like Forrest Gump. And to make it worse all his co-workers teased him about it all day and asked if he was joining the Marines. Poor thing! I have to admit, though, after a couple of days it’s grown out enough to look pretty much like the usual haircut he always gets.

Yeah, it’s the short haircuts that are the harder to do and that don’t fit everybody. Long greasy hair looks pretty bad on a regular non-artist guy.

We have some new carpets now, and of course they stink. I went through junk on my desk so I could move the desk out. Well, I spent an evening sorting junk.Desk never moved.

They replaced my faucet set! It *even * has separate hot and cold knobs. Now I can control the flow of water from my sink as I see fit!
Cold water on. . .
Cold water off. . .
Hot water on. . .

(ouch! shit.)

“There is nothing you ought to do, for the simple reason that you know nothing, nothing whatever- make a mental note of that, if you please.”
-V. Nabokov

GeneralRipper, your coffee mug is behind your monitor. The sunglasses are in your top left desk drawer, near the back.

I may be starting a new, exciting job within the next six weeks at a location about 1790 miles away from here. Stay tuned.

Somebody at work told me that Friday is “National Boss Day”, and we need to do something to show appreciation for our boss. I think this is a bit backward-- we peons are the ones who do all the real work-- but I’ve been overruled by the other members of my group.

I’m told that he likes really spicy food, so I have volunteered to cook a batch of chili for the group to have at lunchtime. Specifically, I will bring in a pot of my pride and joy, the stuff that I call the Flaming Nuclear Nasty. This way I get credit for contributing, while simultaneously inflicting pain and suffering (as relatiation for my current boring assignment). Work doesn’t get much better than this. :smiley:

Laugh hard; it’s a long way to the bank.

I finally qualify for medical benefits at work! Woo hoo! Now I don’t have to ask one of the vets to examine me! (Although there is one there that I wish would!) :wink:

“Love given when it is inconvenient is the greatest love of all. Kindnesses that are shared at a high cost to oneself are the most dear.”

Don’t know who said it, but I like it.

You were going to ask one of the vets to check you out? I can see it now, you go in with a sore throat and end up with a distemper shot.

Just kidding. Anyways, my mundane posting for the day is that my daughter is starting swim classes tomorrow, so I went out today to buy her a bathing suit. After three stores and finding nothing but winter coats, I gave up and bought her a leotard. I hope they don’t kick her out of the pool for not wearing a proper suit.

“Most people would succeed in small things, if they were not troubled with
great ambitions.”

  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)

Coldfire, you know how to make a woman smile :slight_smile:

Cristi, I have two pair of real denim maternity jeans, but the damn elastic waist part is WHITE ( this falls under the catagory of WHATDAFUCK) and thus becomes a huge LOOK AT ME when the wind kicks up my shirt. I refuse to buy anymore preggo pants ( I have three, plus overalls that I lived in the first time around.) and I got by on one size larger than usual shirts before.
( Felt like I was dressing like a flood victim with the shirts being one size to big, but at least they weren’t huge and billowing on me like mat. stuff.) SO I decided to go shopping for maternity shirts at …( I can’t believe I’m admiting this in public) Sears. ( My mom bought me two gawdawful Mat. shirts that were so huge they nearly touched my knees!) so I traded them in for a shirt that I could live with. It was SO depressing, all maternity stuff (except what the celebrities wear) is a tenty outfit. I can actually still wear one pair of regular ( albeit elastic waist) pants of my non preggo days, so that balms my soul.

We won’t even talk about bra shopping for the ever growing breasts. ARGHHH. I’m just going to do what I did last time. Wear a sports bra all the time until I finish breastfeeding. Sure, I’ll have a uni-breast look, but I won’t have a huge ass 36c as oppose to 36a or b cup bra laying around unemployed afterwards. I miss my A cup days…wah…

In other news, I nearly suffocated yesterday when I ran out of sinus medication and forgot my nasal spray and had to sit in a warm house for four hours baby sitting. I was panting like a dog by the time I got to leave from lack of oxygen. It didn’t help that it rained like dogs and cats either and I had a sinus headache. I dropped my son off at the inlaws, went home for a dinner, bath and fell asleep at 9pm and slept until 8am
( with a 3am wake up of Am I awake enough to stay awake until tonight or can I fall back asleep until at least six?)

Compared to all the crapola and problems other pregnant women go thru, I’ll take stuffy sinuses and headaches hands down. But it doesn’t mean I have to deal with it in a graceful manner.

Well, that is my rant. Please get back to your normal life.

I just checked out Auraseer’s pic, and jeezes H!!! He is fiiii-iine!

Just a boy my ass, he is what? 24? thats a man…young and firm and frisky and the stamina…oh!

Shit, I’m drooling!

Excuse me, I need to get out my stalker gear and go on a mission to St Louis!

I just finished a massive presentation in my English 662 class. I haven’t slept well for three nights because I keep waking up coughing. I just had a giant cup of coffee.

I am so incredibly slap-happy that I think I might be annoying everyone I come in contact with. I just want to make a disclaimer that I’m not responsible for anything I say for the rest of today. Thank you.

Oh my…kelli, I just checked out Auraseer’s pic too! Mind if I join you on that mission to St. Louis? Just swing by DC and pick me up…

And he’s my age!! Woohoo!! :wink:

No joke Falcon…that boy is really handsome…I bet we could lower his score on the purity test :wink:

still shaking my head

He is really hot…