MSK turns 900!

Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party! Party!

Time to break out the champagne & put on some Fatboy Slim “Weapon of Choice” and get down!

Any ladies wanna dance with the birthday boy? :smiley:

900 posts. Wow! I never dreamed I’d make it this far. The people here are awesome!

Wow–900! Congratulations!

I’m always up for a party with dancing! Whoo hoo!

I’ll leave this beer here, shall I? This is called a slab in Oz; a slab of beer. I got Foster’s but really VB is the major Oz beer now.

And a nice big plate of vegemite sandwiches, and some lamingtons.

You don’t think I’m being too colourful do you?

Congratulations Magic mate, and just do the next 100 nice and quick and neatly, huh?

Now, which way to the pool?


Happy 900, MSK!

Hang in there…I hope things are going much better for you these days.



Wow, if he’s this excited about 900 posts, what’s he gonna do at 1000? :wink:

Well, at least you gave me a chance to pad my total. Congrats, and I hope the next 900 are as good as the previous ones.

WOO! Mercutio reaches 666 posts!

Congrats, MSK!

WOO! **Ell[/] reaches 200!

Keep up this good work MSK!

and still not used to vB

Good for you. :smiley: