MSNBC Edits Mitt Romney Speech To Make Him Look Silly

I don’t think you have to fill out that entire form if you’re just moving your business.

Yeah, but if someone screws up at Wawa, they have to wait for their Reuben. Somebody screws up at Medicare and thousands of dollars worth of checks get misdirected. Maybe it’s silly to think the same system would work for both?

Romney, Shmomney… there’s a restaurant that allows you to key in your own sandwich order?

Considering the grueling training required to teach pimply teenage cashiers how to man those things, is that really the sort of dangerous technology we want in the hands of the public?

I’ll agree that it wasn’t the most persuasive argument. Especially since I just had to deal with one of my suppliers who makes the federal government look like the most efficient entity on earth. But it’s standard campaign rhetoric. If we’re going to start threads every time one of the candidates tells such a tale, that’s all this forum will consist of in a few weeks.

This seems more like a rant at MSNBC for it’s editorializing the news, not really about that story, per se.

Boo fucking hoo.

Welcome to the new world of elections, where a news outlet is shilling for a candidate using whatever means possible, including selective editing. Like Fox News hasn’t been doing this for years.

The political climate has already been dragged into the toilet. A little too late now to cry that the other side is now using your own tactics against you.

Just be glad that MSNBC is not making up complete and total bullshit claims out of wholecloth. Yet.

Romney specified he was talking about a form “from the federal gov’t”.

Maybe that’s it, though changing Current Business location only requires you to fill out ten or so pages of that form. Which I guess would make Romney’s statement technically true (the optomitrist was sent a 33 page form) but pretty misleading (he only had to fill out a third of it).

But my point was that this is the sort of thing that would be useful for Andrea Mitchell to look into if she wanted to attack Romney on the substance of the speech. I don’t particularly want to spend the day flipping through the Medicare webpage seeing if there’s really a 33 page form that needs to be filled out, but I’m sure there’s some intern at MSNBC that could do it, and thus provide a sevice vis-a-vis informing the public, instead of resorting to making stuff up.

(googling, if anyone cares, here’s the medicare change of address form).

It’s OK to slant your coverage.

This is mostly why discussions of media bias on the SDMB are so pointless. Posters will swear up and down that it doesn’t happen, and then, occasionally, slip up and admit what they really think - it is real, it does happen, but it’s OK because it is aimed at Republicans.


Not really. I think most people around here, left and right, recognize that MSNBC moved from news to advocacy over the last few years, even if they aren’t quite in the same league with Fox.

There were these kiosks at a McDonalds near where I used to work that had them. They were awesome and really moved things along, when they weren’t crashing. (Windows 98 on them, of all things.) I think the crashing problem lead to their removal, which was really unfortunate because the service improved considerably with them there.


Romney made a goofy statement about WaWa’s (which is in and of itself a funny word). MSNBC showed the goofy parts of the clip and cut out the rest in the interest of time. Four years ago networks were showing a clip of Obama accidentally saying there were 57 states. Was it necessary to show the entire speech, when the only interesting part was the gaffe?

Is Romney making a goofy statement news? No, but neither is half of what else is shown on the news regardless of network.

No. Not quite. Got a ways to go actually.

If Obama’s speech had been shown in total, does it make the “gaffe” more understandable?

I think MSNBC is wrong and should issue a correction.

The Romney campaign however is still running the campaign ad quoting Obama as claiming “If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.”

Maybe all news outlets should start misrepresenting Romney’s quotes until he himself is willing to play be the rules as well. Mainly don’t lie or misrepresent the truth.

Sauce goose something something.

One reason we have news outlets is that we don’t want to take stuff like this at face value. If the news outlets do the same thing, that doesn’t work.

Speaking of which, it’d be nice if Romney would speak to the press. But who am I kidding?

Well they keep asking tough questions like ‘what would you do as president.’ He’s far to busy talking about how bad Obama is as president to come up with his own plans.

I clicked on the link and can now say that I am very disappointed with MSNBC.

I would like an America in which every major news organization has at least as much integrity as a cockroach. But that ideal America is not our America. In our America there is one major network which reminds one of the smell of shit just to watch. We need proactive news organizations that might counteract that.

I clicked the link hoping to see clever editing that might help sway voters, even if deceptively, to vote for the rational candidate. Instead the clip was inane and incompetent. That’s why I was disappointed.

News flash: Certain news outlets have been doing the same thing for quite some time. It’s a bit late to get that particular horse back into the barn.

There some Jack in the Box’s that have these. AFAICT, they don’t really help all that much.


Can we please stop with comments like this? It just makes us look bad. It’s Sean Hannity-ish. I mean, it’s OK to say that Romney, or any specific candidate that actually seeking office, is a doofus. But to just say that everyone on the other side of the aisle…it goes passed arrogance and into full-scale dickishness.

Especially if nobody gives a shit.