Next week we are embarking on an ambitious 3-week long family camping trip to the Pacific Northwest (mostly Washington State) to see the 4 things I have personally always wanted to see.
- Mt. Rainier
- Grand Coulee Dam
- the mouth of the Columbia
- The Olympic peninsula
I’d like some insider information, please. For example, everybody here says, “Rainier in July? You must be joking. You can’t even get into the park because of the traffic jams.” Well, we did Yellowstone in June once, and people said the same thing, and yeah, there was traffic, but I didn’t think it was that bad.
Also, are there any interesting “Red Squares”? We enjoy the kind of tourist destination that Rand McNally denotes on their maps with a little red square, things like The World’s Largest Hand-Dug Well (that’s in Kansas, I’m saving that for my Kansas Vacation). Not necessarily the manufactured-for-the-tourist-industry site, you understand, just the off-the-wall genuine stuff. The beer can collection outside of Nashville, stuff like that.
We are not terribly interested in the whole downtown Seattle/Pike Place/Space Needle/Starbucks/Redmond ambience. For one thing, most of those places cost $$$. We like the kind of little local thing where they have a jar by the door for donations.
We’ll have 3 kids with us, ages 16, 13, and 10. The Cat Who Walks Alone (16) wants the vacation to consist solely of exploring every Old Navy store between here and Portland. Well, we’re not gonna go there, sweetie, but for her sake, I will ask–are there any outstanding places to shop for clothes that aren’t necessarily part of the Great Chain Store Madness (we’ve got an Old Navy here, why do we need to go all the way to Seattle to shop?)
Bonzo and La Principessa have pretty standard tastes in stuff. As long as they can swim in a pool every night, they’re happy.
Which reminds me, any outstanding swimming beaches, or conversely, beaches that are highly touted but which really suck (over-crowded, dirty, too touristy?) We don’t mind a certain amount of touristy stuff (we do like our flush toilets), we’re not wilderness mavens, but if there are more hot dog stands than beach, then it isn’t really fun.
Feedback at this end says, “Oh, it’s too cold to swim out there.” Is it?
Any “do not miss” scenic drives, or reasonably short easy hikes (say less than 2 miles)?