They have admitted to the fatc that they no longer have music! I saw a commercial where some TV delivery guys end up throwing a TV through a window, and a slogan comes on the screen saying:
“M2…now stop asking where all the videos are.”
OK, so let me get this straight…for years now people have been angry at MTV for not showing any more music, and they complained to MTV. MTV obviously got the message…what do they do? Do they decide to listen to the public? Do they do what one would think is obvious and show more videos? No! They make more crappy shows (Bash? It’s like those old Friar’s Club salutes, but with Carson Daly…ugh.) So to “placete” the people who want videos (namely, everyone,) they play a commercial telling you to watch M2. Excuse me? M2 is not usually a part of basic cable. You’re telling me that I have to apy more money just so I can be happy with the crappy programming you put out? And to add insult to injury, they make an ad campign that tells me to shut up about the lack of videos.
It makes me glad I really don’t watch MTV anymore.
You know, I always wondered where they got the videos for their “Video Music Awards.” Or where anyone could actually WATCH the videos that were nominated. Plus, didn’t MTV buy “The Box” and then take it off the air so we couldn’t even watch videos on that channel?
Just thank God if you get MuchMusic. That channel is where I first saw/heard The Cult’s “Love Removal Machine.” I’ve never seen ANYTHING that edgy on MTV.
I agree, MTV is almost worthless if you’re older than 16. Even their non-music programming is about as deep as mud puddle. “The Real World”? You mean the one where you’re paid to live in a nice house with attractive members of the opposite sex and do nothing?
The sad part is that last year MTV made more money than it ever has before, so the odds of them doing the smart thing and putting videos back on are so close to zero as to make no odds.
Yeah. Because how they made their money this past year is that they created a plethora of “spin-off” channels that do play music videos, but one must have digital cable to get any of them (at least in my area). There’s something like six VH-1 channels now, and oddly enough, the ones dedicated to previous time periods (like the one for the 80s) is showing videos that neither MTV or VH-1 showed when they were released! But hey, I lost most of my interest in MTV years ago. It started one New Year’s Day, when they kept playing the same damn U-2 song and over. (Care to guess which one it was?)
Did you honestly ever really think that “EmptyV” was about the music? They have done more to ruin music than just about any other single entity.
If you are not photogenic, you have almost zero chance of making it in the music industry, all thanks to EmptyV. they were the final nail in the coffin during the transition from decent Rock and Roll through Glam Rock and now into completely engineered money making machines like In Synch, Britney and The Backstreet Boys. Music has not been the central issue for quite some while now. Demographics are everything and artistic quality and content be d@mned in the name of profit.
Why do you think the music industry is so hysterical about file swapping? People no longer have to buy whatever dreck is thrust in front of them by the recording industry moguls. Instead, they can find older and much better produced examples of real musical art without all the blow dried styling, make up and lip synching.
Was this the song that had the piano-ish thing and had the lyrics
All is quiet on new year’s day…*
In it?
Or was that some other band?
*Damn, I can’t remember the rest of that song, even though I like it.
By the way, most music is so bland that each band could be a part of the hive mind of a deadly species of large, sentient, fightin’ insects from planet Rupert.
Yup. (It’s not a bad song, but hearing it over and over and knowing that the only reason they’re playing it is because it is New Year’s Day, is damned annoying.)
You don’t happen to work for Viacom, do you? GAC has managed to do pretty well in the ratings showing nothing but country music videos, whilst their competitor CMT isn’t doing nearly as well (and it has a programming style similar to MTV). So it’s entirely possible that MTV could make more money if they scrapped their current formats for MTV and VH-1 and went back to what they originally started doing.
Hell, I have digital cable, and we don’t get M2, or any other MTV or VH1 spin-off channels. MTV, VH1 and GAC are it for video channels though our cable provider- I can’t even pay more to get them through an additional package!
Yeah, no one ever engineered bands to make money before MTV came along.
What? You mean there was a music industry before MTV? And it was dedicated to making money??? The hell you say!
In other news, good old days not so good. Think Sex Pistols, and the Monkees, or any other pre-fabricated “boy band” that was around long long long before MTV peeped the scene.