Mulholland Dr.

This movie came out 18 years ago, so no doubt it’s been discussed here. But I didn’t see it for the first time until several years later and never got the chance to discuss it (or if I did, I don’t recall / can’t locate the thread). I know opinions are divided, with some people hating it with the heat of 10,000 klieg lights. This thread is not for you (okay, I can’t stop you, but if you come by just to say “it sucks” I shall add you to WOOK’s List of Party Poopers and Thread Soilers :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I watched it again yesterday (remastered, HD digital whatever. Very perty!)I think I understand it for the most part but I’m still fuzzy on a few things.
SPOILERS AHEAD. If you haven’t seen this film yet, this is one that you don’t want spoiled so don’t read further if you think you might want to see it.

I used to agree with the theory that the first 2/3 of the film are Diane’s wishful fantasy flashing through her mind after she shoots herself. Now I kind of think it’s a dream she has right after the movie starts (when we see the red bed linens and hear a breathing sound). Then I read somewhere that it’s what she’s thinking about during *that *couch scene (sorry to be coy; I’m posting from work). And then shortly after that, she hears a knock on the dorr (the police) and that’s when she kills herself(?) I’ve read many different articles and discussions but people seem more concerned with showing off their knowledge of fancy words and lofty theories that I can’t be arsed to plod through anymore.

I’m still a bit puzzled about the switching of apartments with the neighbor. When in the time line was that supposed to have happened? I think that happened in the “real world”, no?

Most of the weird stuff (ya know, 98% of the film) I just chalk up to dream logic and Lynchiness, but if anyone has any other insights, I’d love to hear them.

My comment on understanding the film is that it can’t be. It was originally going to be a TV show and some of the story was plotted out. But when it became a movie, Lynch just cut and pasted what he had into the movie that we got. He never made any effort to make it a story that can be “solved”, or even understood.

So it can’t be understood as a whole because it wasn’t conceived as the whole that we got. Any sense that can be made out of it is pure serendipity. There literally is no “there” there.

But it sure is a pretty movie! I can watch it over and over. I think it captures the dream world mindset much better than Lost Highway.

And it has a really good soundtrack. “Llorando” is awesome both as a song and as the scene in the movie.

I had heard about the failed tv series (wow, that would have been awesome) but I guess I always figured the film is just a condensed version of whatever the story is that the series would have told.

That assumes Lynch had some idea of where the series would’ve gone, which is highly unlikely. You can essentially tell when the pilot ends because there’s more language and sex leading up to the climax. My biggest regret in the series never being made was that Robert Forster (who’s in the film for literally one minute max) would’ve been in it and how cool would that have been?

I think the dream logic works masterfully in the film (perhaps Lynch’s best, which is saying something) and it’s a mistake to get caught up in the mechanics of that dream/nightmare/memory/fantasy. All I know is that it’s chilling and heart-breaking and that’s what matters most.

Ha - after the movie came out Rebekah Del Rio was working in our office as a temp. She was muy sediento for my buddy. He was having none of it! (In his inimitable rudeness, he said, “I don’t date outside of my species.”)

All you have to do is look at Twin Peaks. A fun ride that ultimately went nowhere.

Lynch just threw stuff out there for no reason. Why was there a fish in the coffee pot? No one will ever know.

I normally agree with this, but (and it may be wishful thinking)it *mostly *makes sense to me so I thought maybe this time DL *did *have some specific things in mind. I guess it’s just a futile attempt to sort out what actually has meaning and what’s just there to weird us out :slight_smile:

Anyway, this isn’t necessarily my favorite movie but it’s sure near the top of the list of films that have emotionally affected me. I was in such a funk after I saw this the first time; I mean really disturbed; yet intrigued at the same time. I’m assuming that was the desired outcome.

She was a vampire?

“i don’t drink…wine.”

It’s a visual indictment of L.A.


I suppose not making it onto TV is something to be grateful for.

“Mulholland Drive” is on my short list of overhyped, boring and inane “arty” films.

<click> and on to the list **Jackmannii **goes<click> :wink:

Do you dislike David Lynch’s style in general? I can understand that. I don’t remember when it came out so I can’t speak to the overhyped part, and it sure as hell is arty (and possibly inane) but I’m surprised to hear someone call it boring. If nothing else it’s (to me) nice to look at.

Thank you for at least saying why you think it sucks; you’re off the list. For now.

I think Lynch is a genius. I’m okay with not understanding a movie when it’s over- I like to watch it again and again and try to pick up little clues he tosses in. Trying to distinguish the real from the fantasy is hard, and it’s meant to be. My strategy for watching Lynch is on the first viewing, don’t try to understand, just sit back and enjoy the show. Second and later viewings, try to figure out the plot. If it isn’t all neatly wrapped up for you at the end (as much as I love Hitchcock, the end of Psycho asked nothing of its audience, having the psychiatrist explain it all at the end) it’s a feature, not a bug.

Saw it and can’t remember it.

Does not speak well for it.

As for Lynch, I do remember Eraserhead quite well.


I interpret “overhyped” to include praise after the initial release.

Nice to look at? I must lack some ability to appreciate a film that is prettily shot, but - at best - frustrating and nonsensical. I can appreciate the cinematic accomplishment, but it is nothing I personally derive any pleasure or other benefit from.

If I ever came across David Lynch out in the wilderness, I’d punch him in the face.